'##::::'##:::'#####:::'########: VIVA LA REVOLUCION! CERDO DEL CAPITALISTA!! ##:::: ##::'##.. ##:: ##.....:: =========================================== ##:::: ##:'##:::: ##: ##::::::: THE HELOTS OF ECSTASY PRESS RELEASE #363 !! #########: ##:::: ##: ######::: ZIEGO VUANTAR SHALL BE MUCH VICTORIOUS! !! ##.... ##: ##:::: ##: ##...:::: =========================================== ##:::: ##:. ##:: ##:: ##::::::: "Wild Man Goes Hunting" !! ##:::: ##::. #####::: ########: by -> Apollo !! ..:::::..::::.....::::........:: 12/19/98 !! !!========================================================================!! an elderly man was walking on a brick road, his forehead riddled with wrinkles, his blue eyes looking sad. he watched up to the sky where the slightly reddish clouds were passing above, grunted, and went on. all he could see was the road, and all he could think of was the destination. then, suddenly, he decided to observe the surroundings. he looked left, and saw a forest. the leaves in the elms were getting brown, the winter was definitely coming. the wind rustled the leaves and he watched a leaf fall slowly towards the ground, when the wind blew it up again. he looked right, and saw a pond. everything looked very serene to him. he walked closer to the pond and looked around. the night was falling, and all he could hear was the last crickets of the fall, and the kids across the pond having some kind of a party. he despised the kids. they didnt know how to have real fun, and they couldnt take responsibility for themselves. they're probably just gonna end up driving around drunk, hitting some poor little woman who is on her way to home from work, feeling tired, wanting to see her kids, not expecting anything out-of-the-ordinary, and suddenly, seeing the headlights of a ford f10 shining from the night, coming straight at her, her life ending abruptly, and the kids would probably just walk out of the car, without a scratch, and say 'well, wont you look at that' to each other. the water of the pond was dark and quite still, but he could see a goose sitting near the reeds that were losing their green color, and getting ready for the winter. the goose was cleaning itself up, left wing raised and the head moving quickly in the feathers. and then the wild goose got up on the air, spread his wings like an eagle and flew away. end of story. !!========================================================================!! !! (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! #363 - WRITTEN BY: APOLLO - 12/19/98 !! .