'##::::'##:::'#####:::'########: VIVA LA REVOLUCION! CERDO DEL CAPITALISTA!! ##:::: ##::'##.. ##:: ##.....:: =========================================== ##:::: ##:'##:::: ##: ##::::::: THE HELOTS OF ECSTASY PRESS RELEASE #401 !! #########: ##:::: ##: ######::: ZIEGO VUANTAR SHALL BE MUCH VICTORIOUS! !! ##.... ##: ##:::: ##: ##...:::: =========================================== ##:::: ##:. ##:: ##:: ##::::::: "Jersey Girls Suck (I Wish)" !! ##:::: ##::. #####::: ########: by -> Hardcore !! ..:::::..::::.....::::........:: 1/7/99 !! !!========================================================================!! I've come to the overall conclusion that girls that are from New Jersey don't deserve any oral pleasuring. I'm talking about the Australian French kiss. You know it's the kiss that's kind of like a French kiss but down under. You know, Rug cleaning, carpet munching, clam diving, eating pie, kissing Willie Nelson with bad breath, licking the dew of the Lilly, or what many others just call cunnlingus, the so-called technical term. No matter what they call it, the bitch don't deserve it! Hell, the bitch don't deserve to have anything down there licked! And if you are going to lick anything down there, lick her thighs and pretend your going to do something else and then just walk out of the room. That would really fuck the bitch up! Enough said! It all began during finals last year. The girls name was Queen Shaneeka Rolanda Orlando Vega. It's a pretty long name, so lets just call her "AMY." Well, you know us college kiddies love to drink. Well, I was doing this and so was Amy. She started giving me the look, you know the look "Lets get busy." I've never gotten that look before, so I couldn't pass up the opportunity. Did the 3 porn movies I've seen in my lifetime help? Well, the barnyard animal one certainly wasn't going to help, and neither was the Tommy lee and Pamela lee video unless I was rolling a joint. So I had to leave it up to Ron Jeremy's "Boobs a Poppin." I asked to Ron guide me through this journey as I prayed to him. The sexual act then began. I couldn't take off her bra with my hands, so I decided to use the back up method. My Teeth. It worked beautifully. So she started like giving me commands... and I was digging it. She had me do all these weird things to her double d breasts and I didn't complain one bit! Eventually made it down to the girls jeans, and unbuttoned them with my teeth and the zipper too, and there they went! I began the oral sex, and hoped that I'd be a good trooper. Turns out, she instantly took a liking to it. About 15 minutes later during one of her many orgasms, she hit her head on my window sill and I stopped to see if she was ok. But she screamed don't stop and shoved me back down! About 15 minutes later I was over and ready for my hard work to be repaid. She, then rolled over and passed out! I figured this could have been alcohol related and planned to do this again sober. So we did it again, this time very sober. I worked even longer and better and the same result happened! Sexual frustration finally hit me. The 3 strikes and your out rule had to be put in affect for my mental well-being. I decided that I wasn't going to go down, unless she was going to go down first! It was all working out fine, when she took off her clothes... she must have been sweaty or something. But it stunk down there. I wasn't going to go near! Then before I knew what hit me, her hands forcefully put down there, and I closed my eyes and prayed for the best. It was a horrible task, but I worked my best on her for an hour. And guess what, that was it. She put on her clothes! We peacefully departed. Throughout the whole summer, I tried other Jersey girls. I gave them what they wanted, and I didn't get anything gratification in return. And trust me, I knew they were liking what I was doing. I must off netted 10+ plus hours that summer down below and didn't receive minimum wage or any over time! The moral of this story is simple guys: Do not give oral to your women unless they are going to equally make you happy and to be on the safe side, let them go first. This is so you know how much pleasure to give them. It must be the water here in New Jersey, I don't know. But these women are selfish! They don't appreciate a hard worker like myself. If you're a Jersey girl, sorry. Pre-payment plan is now in effect. Thank You! For the girls that are out of state or country, this doesn't include you. :} I still have faith in you! !!========================================================================!! !! (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #401, WRITTEN BY: HARDCORE - 1/7/99 !! .