'##::::'##:::'#####:::'########: VIVA LA REVOLUCION! CERDO DEL CAPITALISTA!! ##:::: ##::'##.. ##:: ##.....:: =========================================== ##:::: ##:'##:::: ##: ##::::::: THE HELOTS OF ECSTASY PRESS RELEASE #464 !! #########: ##:::: ##: ######::: ZIEGO VUANTAR SHALL BE MUCH VICTORIOUS! !! ##.... ##: ##:::: ##: ##...:::: =========================================== ##:::: ##:. ##:: ##:: ##::::::: "Mass Media" !! ##:::: ##::. #####::: ########: by -> Reflecks !! ..:::::..::::.....::::........:: 1/27/99 !! !!========================================================================!! Baby held responsible for 7-11 robbery. President kidnapped from in front of grocery store. 17 year old kid to lead country to war. Sensationalism, Sensationalism, Sensationalism. Call it yellow press, tabloid news, or pulitzer-prize winning material. it is the stuff the brave new world is made of. We thrive on information which has nothing to do with us. We want to know what is happenning to 74-year-old bingo players in Florida. We like war. We like peace. We like death. We like life. We want headlines. What is with this dreaded thirst for news? The news which we get has absolutely nothing to do with us. In all frankness, I am not so affected by brush fires in wichita or robberies in quebec that I must learn of it from a slew of media vendors. a common example at the moment of people receiving an overflow of useless information is the clinton thingie in washit-town. For one thing, far too many people have far too many soapboxes. Cable news, wire news, radio news (AM, FM, shortwave?), television news (broadcast alone). Newspapers, magazines, tabloids (they shouldn't even count as magazines). Then word of mouth. Back in the day, word of mouth was pretty much the only way news got around. People in one country wouldn't hear of a death in another part of the world. And so they were happy. Ignorance is Happiness, to an extent. Sure, word wouldn't get around to australia that there was a polio vaccine. crocodile dundee wasn't all that great, anyways. But maybe it would. News of great importance usually manages to get to those it touches. Introducing a semi-new concept, I introduce the Worldly Bubble. The Worldly Bubble is defined as what we see and hear and all that. When we introduce the world (woes, troubles, and wars) into our Worldly Bubble, we get so much to sift through that it becomes impossible to eat a burger without thinking of the poor ethopian boy, Ngopopo. We, in turn, let ourselves be so moved by Ngopopo that we turn our Worldly Bubble into a mirror of the other-Worldly Bubbles. Famine, Hunger, Death, Civil War for Ngopopo! That, or we turn ourselves into apathetic mass media-hating mongrels. I don't care about the kids, beat the seals, bomb the cambodians! See if I care! And then there are the rare gems of Worldly Bubbles. The ones who get off their fat Fritos-eating asses, jump on their own soapbox, and actually rally a crowd up. they get them so foamy at the mouth and so teary eyed that they raise donations for the food, for the boxes, for the clothes, for the plane and the pilot to fly the relief supplies across the world to ethiopia and feed that starving child. at least they tried. Maybe they succeeded. Maybe Ngopopo turned into a civil rights leader in the country he was exiled in to. Maybe he made a change for the better and actually changed the governments and made it better so his people wouldn't BE starving and wouldn't BE dying. Maybe he did what those Twinkie eating lard asses did and he changed the system, not just oiled the squeaky gear. As heart warming as the story is, I made it up. There is no Ngopopo (okay, now, all at once -- "awww!!!") My point, as deluded and self-defying as it is, is that I would rather see more world news and less local news in the mass-mass-media circuits. Local bradcast news < PEZ (Eh. but what isn't?). Anyways. yeah. I'd rather eat my burger than watch the Red Shoe Diaries of a local politician. Viva la thirty-nine cent Wednesdays! Or something. !!========================================================================!! !! (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #464, WRITTEN BY: REFLECKS - 1/27/99 !! .