'##::::'##:::'#####:::'########: VIVA LA REVOLUCION! CERDO DEL CAPITALISTA!! ##:::: ##::'##.. ##:: ##.....:: =========================================== ##:::: ##:'##:::: ##: ##::::::: THE HELOTS OF ECSTASY PRESS RELEASE #468 !! #########: ##:::: ##: ######::: ZIEGO VUANTAR SHALL BE MUCH VICTORIOUS! !! ##.... ##: ##:::: ##: ##...:::: =========================================== ##:::: ##:. ##:: ##:: ##::::::: "Cereal Killas" !! ##:::: ##::. #####::: ########: by -> M4D 3LF !! ..:::::..::::.....::::........:: 1/27/99 !! !!========================================================================!! It all started out pretty normally. I was chatting in #cereal on efnet, bitchin like normal, when I started talking with Lucky. We hit it off that night, it seemed that Lucky was a lost brother. Lucky even lived in the same area. We hooked up and became fast friends, sitting around, trading stories about how those kids fuck with us all the time. I'm a fiend, I bought some shit off these kids once and after the first taste I was hooked. I went back to get more but I couldn't find the kids. I tried asking around, but no one would talk to me, I'm an outsider. They all had the shit, they knew I needed it. Everyday I saw those fucking kids in their houses, sitting on their steps consuming my life in their bowls. Lucky made his own shit, but it had caught the eyes of those kids. Anytime they saw him they chased him down and jacked him for his shit. No one would help him, though, he's an outsider. He couldn't even walk down the street in the day without getting jacked. We came up with the plan last weekend. We were at my pad, drownding a sorrows and passing around a joint. The munchies were setting in and Lucky asked me if I wanted to try some of his shit. I readily agreed, hoping that I could scratch my itch with his shit, then I wouldn't ever have to deal with those kids again. "This is good," I said, "but it's not doin anything for me." "Aye, I'm afraid to make me lov'lies, 'cuz those fuckin' laddies is always stealin 'em!" "Why don't you fight back?" I asked. "They're just kids." "Aye, they be kids, but a lot of kids. I be just a wee man." "We should fight! You could keep your shit and I could get my fix." "But there be a lot of those young laddies, 'n only two of us." "I think I have an idea..." The next day we headed downtown to the pawn shops. One looked promisingly seedy in a dirty part of town. Lucky's eyes lit up as the rows of shotguns and semiautomatic pistols came into view. "Laddie, I think I'm seein' your plan here!" A fat, greasy man looked up from his copy of Hustler and sized us up as we struted up to the counter. Leaning toward the man, I slipped a c-note into his pocket. "I'd like to see the good stuff." The man smiled and pressed a button under the counter. The rows of shotguns parted revieling a small room filled with high powered, fully automatic machine guns. "What's your poison?" croacked the slimey man. "We need something that packs a punch," I said. "Yeah, I have just the thing," he said with a toothless grin. We left the pawn shop much poorer yet happier. I was armed with a HK-91 and a 9mm Glock as backup. Lucky chose the Tec-9 and, his smiley, a rocket propelled granade launcher. We stopped just outside of the suburbs to lead our clips, looking toward the rows of pink houses. "Ready Lucky?" "Aye, ready laddie." "Let's do it!" We crept up to where the kids were sitting, but Lucky wanted to chill behind a bush so they didn't see him yet. I left my HK with him and walked up to the kids. "What's up guys," I asked. "What the hell do you want?" one piped up. "Nothin', just wondering if I can get some that shit." "We tol' you befoe, man," said another, standing up. A few more stood up, "Get lost, fuckin' rabbit, this shit's just fo' kids!" "Not today mutha fucka," I said, pulling out my Glock, "these caps are fo' yo head!" and they were. Lucky tossed me the HK and we ripped shells into the kids on the steps. More kids, on their way to "school", were mowed down in a hail of bullets and soon the remaining kids were trapped in the big brick building. Lucky pulled the RPG of his back and aimed it at the school. The fire of hell gleamed in his eyes as he pulled the trigger. "Me frosted Lucky Charms, they'll blow yo ass to pieces!!" BOOM! "Heh, silly kids," I chuckled, "Trix are for me, bitch!" !!========================================================================!! !! (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #468, WRITTEN BY: M4D 3LF - 1/27/99 !! .