'##::::'##:::'#####:::'########: VIVA LA REVOLUCION! CERDO DEL CAPITALISTA!! ##:::: ##::'##.. ##:: ##.....:: =========================================== ##:::: ##:'##:::: ##: ##::::::: THE HELOTS OF ECSTASY PRESS RELEASE #493 !! #########: ##:::: ##: ######::: ZIEGO VUANTAR SHALL BE MUCH VICTORIOUS! !! ##.... ##: ##:::: ##: ##...:::: =========================================== ##:::: ##:. ##:: ##:: ##::::::: "Change of Heart?" !! ##:::: ##::. #####::: ########: by -> M4D 3LF !! ..:::::..::::.....::::........:: 3/3/99 !! !!========================================================================!! What the hell is wrong with this world? More specifically, what the hell is wrong with Fox?? Christo and Caroline have been dating for five months since they met at work. Unfortunately, it hasn't all roses. Christo is concerned with his eleven year age difference over Caroline, he feels she is immature and lacks responsibility. He is also worried by the fact Caroline had cheated on her previous partners. Caroline feels Christo lacks sophistication and they lost that "spark". She isn't too happy about Christo's array of female friends either. So who can help out this downtrodden couple? Weekday afternoons on Fox, after "Love Connection" (what happened to Chuck?), is a show called "Change of Heart". Simply put, a cross between "Love Connection" and "Jerry Springer". Hosted by some dual-earringed, yuppie-looking winnie boy, the show takes a disenchanted pair and sends them each out on a blind date, then brings all four people back for each member of the original couple gloat about what a wonderful time they had without the other. Caroline was sent out with David the hunk. They introduce David and out pops a twenty-something tan adonis. Christo is visibly jealous and Caroline is beaming with that *heh heh* grin. David and Caroline giggle and hold hands as they tell yuppie winnie boy about their glorious evening, meanwhile Christo is fluctuating between shades of red. David is an artist, specializing in nudes (of course). Yuppie adds tension to the situation by asking if Caroline would pose nude for David, while the distraught Christo looks on in horror. Ah, but revenge is sweet! It's time to bring out Laura, Christo's blind date. Laura had a great time with Christo, she even want's to address Caroline's complaints. They ran into some of Christo's male and female friends and she hit it off with them as well. Christo happily pipes in with how his friends told him to ditch Caroline and start dating Laura. Time for the lightning round! Wait, wrong show...but it is time for our couple to decide if they want to stay with their current love or try it out with their respective dates. Caroline and Christo both agree to give up their five month relationship and cuddle up with someone new. This falls into the same category as the people go on Riki or Jerry to declare their lesbian love affairs to their current loves. On top of it, the show only promotes rebound relationships, which we all know to be the *best* way to start a heathy and solid love. Why do they subject themselves to this kind of embarrassment? Why can't they stay at home and work out your problems or break up repeatable?? One word: ratings. !!========================================================================!! !! (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #493, WRITTEN BY: M4D 3LF - 3/3/99 !! .