'##::::'##:::'#####:::'########: VIVA LA REVOLUCION! CERDO DEL CAPITALISTA!! ##:::: ##::'##.. ##:: ##.....:: =========================================== ##:::: ##:'##:::: ##: ##::::::: THE HELOTS OF ECSTASY PRESS RELEASE #494 !! #########: ##:::: ##: ######::: ZIEGO VUANTAR SHALL BE MUCH VICTORIOUS! !! ##.... ##: ##:::: ##: ##...:::: =========================================== ##:::: ##:. ##:: ##:: ##::::::: "When a Mack Fails" !! ##:::: ##::. #####::: ########: by -> Anjee !! ..:::::..::::.....::::........:: 3/3/99 !! !!========================================================================!! *** IRC Session Start: Thu Jan 14 00:59:48 1999 *** IRC Session Ident: Giovannia (anything@ts1-18.f3202.quebectel.com) hey you have a boyfriend now? why are you talking to me? cause I want your ass i'm happy for you. hmm.. well thanks then looks like you don't want me to want your ass... i don't want you within a 5 mile radius of my ass. too bad.. my mouth was watering thinking of it.. having aiming problems? no... anything goes.. besides the fact that I never did anything wrong to you... You didnt' even give a chance to seduce you oh, so wherever it ends up, it's fine with you? why would i want you to seduce me? what do you mean? because i liked you.. nothing. i didn't really expect someone with the IQ of your average housefly to understand that, anyway. no other reasons yet.. You think I'm dumb? good to know... I don't have to prove myself smart to you.. it's proven on paper.. that's nice. i care. really. i do. please stop wasting my pixels now and leave. I bought you a big Pepsi! :) I do deliveries:) sorry, i don't want your STD-infested presents. Ok ok.. I will also buy a pack of blue export'a for you ok:)? what else you like? i already have my own coffin nails. i do not need you to supply anything for me. I never understood what happened ... we saw each other.. i left and I thought everything was cool between us... next thing I know is you bashing me in this stupid channel... I mean we had a funny conversation and I felt good with you... why the hate after? if you have a memory gap, that isn't my fault. and it's up to you to figure it out. i don't plan on ever being remotely friendly with you. so just do me a favor and go crank it somewhere else. who said remotely... didn't I show up for you in the middle of the night without asking questions? besides I do not have memory gap. What happened is this: We've met... the day after I see you on the channel and you don't even say Hi like if I'm a dog... the day after.. same thing again then i ask you why you do this... that's when you started to tell me to "go crank it somewhere else" after that shit happened and that's when i prefer to have a the lack of CLASS that you show doesn't worth more efforts from me. Bye, you won! You won a loss! yes, you do have memory gaps. cause you're missing bits and pieces. or just purposely left them out. but that doesn't matter the slightest bit, because i seriously do not give a flying fuck. i lost nothing. and i lack no class. but it doesn't matter, so bye! and PLEASE do not reply. *** Session Close: Thu Jan 14 01:20:38 1999 *** Session Start: Fri Jan 15 00:33:58 1999 *** Session Ident: Giovannia (hmmm@ts1-29.f3213.quebectel.com) hey hahaahahhha whatzap? didn't i tell you to stop talking to me? hey didnt' I tell you to go FUCK YOURSELF YET? I think not you fucking ugly little piece of SHIT did you know you're a FUCKING SHIT LOAD? go on.. pour your heart out. UGLY SOCIAL THRASH THAT YOU ARE? fucking piece of dog shit... WHO WOULD EVER WANT TO MARRY A FUCKING LOAD OF SHIT LIKE? Ya dont' even have a fucking sec 5 and you think that signing and licking pussies will make you be someone you're a A FUCKING 0 feel better yet? ya hear me misses ZERO? you're a nothing.. what makes you think that i care? now I tell you what you arel... yesterday I was eing sarcastic trying to be nice to you. I was laughihng my ass off asshole.. hahaha that's creative. you should care you fuckign piece of shit.. you are talking to person here that has a MASTER"S IN FINANCE. A PERSON THAT MADE 12000 $ in 2 weeks at the montreal exhance with 5000$ of baisc capital. you are talking to someone who will soon teach maths in CEGEP.... you are taliing to someone who wouldn't fuck you not even with his dog COCK i don't care about your education. education has nothing to do with a person's personality. if you didn't have your head shoved so far up your asshole, you'd know that by now. you fucking future welfare asshole do you feel unburdened now that you have gotten all this out of your system? my personality is so fuckign GREAT YOU WHORE THAT I HAVE DOZENS OF LITTLE SHIT LIKE YOU CALLING HERE ALLLLLLLLLLL THE TIME ya can't catch what you want when you get it.. that's what makes a real LOZER that's what you are a lozer a real fucking lozer.. drink pepsi and fuck the world little ass.. you have no values * anjee taps her foot and whistles. like i don't know what kind of fuking sperm made you but your dad must be addicted to some new drugs too bad you're so full of shit you can't even think up a better insult than that. Now I tell you what will hapen to you.. you'll reach 45 years old used and abused by life.... with a kid from a guy you won't remember... you;lll end up alone in a bar smoking a cigarette and drinking whiskey.. asking yourself what id I do.... it'll be too late...... so DIE HARD fuck and BYE haha. you think i'll end up doing nothing with my life because i rejected you? HOW BIG *IS* YOUR EGO, EXACTLY? *** Giovannia has left IRC. *** Session Close: Fri Jan 15 00:51:19 1999 !!========================================================================!! !! (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #494, WRITTEN BY: ANJEE - 3/3/99 !! .