[--------------------------------------------------------------------------] ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #505 `888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8 888 888 888 888 888 "Live For Your Children" 888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8 888 888 888 888 888 " by Vyrus 888 888 `88b d88' 888 o 3/8/99 o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] So I've always wondered what there was about life that seems to make it so special for people. This isn't one of those "God, I hate life, I want to die, life is worthless!" texts, though, so don't get me wrong. I've heard many different philosophies on life... unfortunately, the one that seems to apply to me the best is "live for the weekends". Live for the weekends? What kind of unfulfilling crap is that? I'd like to see a big finale at the end of life. But it seems you toil your life away waiting for nothing grand but death. And death is grand? Suuuuuurre... maybe YOU think so. I don't. I'd like to see some amazing thing happen that shows me that all i have done in life isn't in vain. So what could there be that would give me the gratification and satisfaction of leading a happy, healthy life that has given me something to show for all my years of surviving my thrust-upon-me existence? (run-on sentence, sorry.) Children, that's what. Children (YOUR children) are definitely worth it. No matter the screaming, moaning, bitching, ungratefulness that are the hallmark of children (I still disagree with you, Tasha. Selfishness and ingratitude is born, not bred, they just have to grow out of it), it's still all worth it. Watching them grow up and pass through the different phases of life that you yourself have been through. It's a wonderful feeling to be able to sit back and think to yourself "I was there. I understand how he feels, the amazement he must be experiencing, the awe and wonder at the diversity of this world and it's individual societies and cultures..." ...and then he starts bawling. Three month olds care little about anything but being fed, having a dry/clean diaper, and being entertained when they want to be. It's really aggravating and dually frustrating to have a child screaming incessantly in your face nearly 16 hours a day, but when they quiet down and look at your with their awe and wonder, and their eyes roll up in the back of their head (which means they're finally going to pass out in the next ten minutes) and they get that little half-smile... it's all worth it. Albiet the fact that I am a young father (19) and my son has a pretty young mother (18, 17 when he was born), don't ever let people tell you it's too early to have a child. If it's thrust upon you because of your own stupidity and carelessness (USE FUCKING BIRTH CONTROL, GODDAMMIT, OR DON'T HAVE SEX AT ALL, TRUST ME, I KNOW), make the most of it! Guys, if you think that a kid is going to destroy your life, you may be right. But like I heard Adam Corolla (from LoveLine) say the other night, all you have to do is "do just a little bit less of the things you like to do, and a little more of the things you don't like to do, and your life will change drastically". Girls, same applies. Don't have abortions unless you're poverty-stricken and live in the gutter. If you know you can raise a child on what you make, DO IT. Give your kid a chance. I used to be an incredible population-control freak, but after having a son of my own, I couldn't ever think of abortions and adoptions the same way again. Whatever... I'm not preaching, just speaking my mind. And don't ask me why I decided to write this while at work... just seemed like something better to do then write code all morning. [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #505 - WRITTEN BY: VYRUS - 3/8/99 ] .