[--------------------------------------------------------------------------] ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #519 `888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8 888 888 888 888 888 "How I Blamed The Female 888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8 Logic on Something That 888 888 888 888 888 " Can Be Proved, Maybe" 888 888 `88b d88' 888 o o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8 by Anilos [3/16/99] [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] Ok, kids, it's time for a lesson in Molecular Biology. It has come to my attention that women, in particular have the warped, most fucked up logic I have EVER seen in my entire life. This is based on my experience though in a city of about 300,000 so bear with me. I figure, since everything is caused by genes let's assume that you women and your warped logic is in fact, genetic. Now, before we start the lesson let me say that Men as well have some pretty screwed up logic some times as well; women, though, exhibit this more. Sorry I'm biased, maybe if I was gay it'd be the other way around. But I'm not, therefore I'm going to pick on the female gender. I called this genetic disorder "The Retardation Of Logic" or "RL" (for short) Gene. Note: If something proceeds with ^X (x being whatever I choose to represent the gene) it means that the X should be in superscript. (if you still don't understand, please, bear with me here.) Now, This isn't your ordinary genetic disorder, no. I've decided it would be most logical and probable if this were an "X-linked/Sex linked" inheiritance. This means that the disease itself is carried on the "X" chromosome. (Meaning Females carry it/express it since it's located on the x chromosome. Males can also get this disorder though, I'll explain soon enough.) Now, if you have rudimentary knowledge of genetics just browse through this whilst I explain this to anyone else who isn't following. Females are XX, meaning they have two X chromosomes which causes them to develop into a female. Males are XY, meaning they have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. (WOW!) Just some food for thought here: All human beings start out as female. The Y chromosome after a few weeks of conception though releases testosterone that causes Testes to form (stop giggling) instead of ovaries. I could bore you all forever explaining how some people who are female in every way are XY. But, I won't. Back to the original point of this little article... Now, the disorder I have surmised is a recessive one, this means that you need two chromosomes with the disorder's allele/gene to have it show up (for females.) but for males only one X with the gene disorder is needed. Why you ask? Well I would say, but I once again don't want to bore anyone, as I hope to catch some people's attention by writing this. Here's an example of how a female who has the disorder. A Female who has the disorder (note: there is a difference between having the disorder and carrying the disorder) marries a man who doesn't have the disorder, what are the chances of their children having the disorder? Let r = the gene that causes the warped logic We start off like this: X^rX^r Multiplied by XY (Female) (Male) Now, we draw a "punett square" and draw the results of the breeding. X^r X^r ----------------------------------- X | XX^r | XX^r ----------------------------------- Y | X^rY | X^rY ----------------------------------- Now that we've done this, these are the results. - 0% chance of the female children being a COMPLETE AND TOTAL ILLOGICAL SOCIAL WHORE. - 100% chance of the male children being total morons and idiots who treat their companions like shit. If your curious about this or if you think I have made little to no sense send me an e-mail and I'll elaborate. Experiment with different combos if you'd like. (ie. Female who carries the disease but doesn't have it, marries a male who has the disease.) Or just look at this text with a vacant face and move on to a more entertaining article. Either way I hope I have in some way gotten someone to think about this in a serious manner, I doubt this highly though. Comments are threats to my life are always welcome. My e-mail address is Janus@Boink.net. [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #519 - WRITTEN BY: ANILOS - 3/16/99 ] .