[--------------------------------------------------------------------------] ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #535 `888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8 888 888 888 888 888 "Too Young to Love, 888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8 Not Old Enough to Marry" 888 888 888 888 888 " (The Story of My Life) 888 888 `88b d88' 888 o o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8 by Daisy [3/27/99] [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] Ever been walking down the street and saw an ice cream vendor guy and wondered if he ever went to college? Well, neither have I but after sitting a computer for two months going into "Author Lounge Chatrooms" and begging everyone down to your dog to give you some sort of glimpse of inspiration so you can write a damn file, anything's possible. Well my glimpse of inspiration arrived in my mailbox today saying, "ALL YOU WRITERS WHO HAVE SLACKED OFF BETTER GET TO WORK OR YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO CALL YOURSELF A HOE FREEDOM FIGHTER ANYMORE!" So damn, here I am, getting to work, with my boyfriend IMing me and yelling at me because i sent him a chain letter, trying to read over the transcript of Hillary Rodham Clinton from AOL LIVE last night, and looking for a screen name of some girl I don't like. So to narrow it down, with my whole writing career in Mogel's hands, slapping myself in the forehead going, "Damn, Jen, you better think up something quick you moron!", I'm ready to go. I remember being 15 years old, and saying "I love you!" to my first real boyfriend, Andy. We were going to get married and all that good stuff. Boy was I young. Then came another relationship with a guy named Ryan, a mistake from the beginning, but hey, that's a whole 'nother story. When a guy begins to let his friends call you "Bitch", "Slut", "Whore", and stuff like that, especially when his friends meant it, you know something's wrong. I am now, 19 years old, been with John for over five months now and can safely say I am in love. I can say I want to marry him, I can say it will happen. But the thing that pisses me off about today's society is how all those older people who married "young" and it did not work, feel we will be making the same mistake. How is it that I do not hear stories of those who married young and are still together to this day? It's just not as popular I guess. They all say, get an education, start your own life, be independent, grow up alone first. But what fun is that? It's not. John is my sunshine on a cloudy day and you want to know how I know that? Well, currently and for the last 2 months and for the next two months, John is living in Boston, almost 1000 miles away from me. He has discovered things about me that I never even knew about myself and showed me things I've never seen before (non-sexual), and we have grown on one another, like mold you know? Just kidding. Some say that I am too dependent on him and I probably am, but is that so bad? I don't think so, so all those that do can fuck off. It's hard for us to be apart, but we have already made plans for engagement this summer, and marriage ideas (only ideas john, no plans yet okay?) (he hates when I talk about the actual marriage). I think it is good for us, we know we are meant to be and I can read your mind. You are saying, "You must be out of your mind girl! Only five months of knowing this guy?! You are crazy!" How did I know you would say that? [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #535 - WRITTEN BY: DAISY - 3/27/99 ] .