[--------------------------------------------------------------------------] ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #563 `888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8 888 888 888 888 888 "Real, Not Real" 888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8 888 888 888 888 888 " by Unrelated 888 888 `88b d88' 888 o 4/11/99 o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] You know, there are things in life that aren't real, that are real, and things that are real that think they aren't, and aren't but think they are. For example, take this once frivolous, but now serious concept into min, suck on it for a while, then reject it, like a new one celled organism released into the blood stream. U.F.O's, Aliens, Area 51, and BULLSHIT!! ok, do you see where this is going? All 4 of these things match, the real/not real senarios. U.F.O.'s: Unidentified Flying Object. If you were to see a blinking light flying high above you up in the sky and not see the metal wings/propellers/or hear a noise from it, it's a ufo. However, it does not mean that it is a visiting spacecraft from another planet, in feact, even if it were to suddenly "disapear" that would mean it's either, gone behind some clouds up in the upper atmosphere, or, now, don't run away, a satelite!!! OH WOW!! Do you know how many fucking sattelites are up in the earths orbit right now? Well, I don't, but I know it's alot, and that you can see them.... (Real = U.F.O.) Aliens: Now, I'm not talking refugees migrating from kosovo, (though, it is pretty shitty). I'm talking about other worldy beings visiting our planet... NO CHANCE!!!! If you would like to see the statistics for an actual... well, just look it up in one of my favorite books, (I know you know how to read, other words you wouldn't be looking at this right now) "Cosmos" by Carl Sagan. (Aliens on Earth = Not Real.) Area 51: NOT THE VIDEO GAME!! There is an actual place, out in the desert somewhere called Area 51, however, it is for, well, I'm not sure, we've all heard rumors, but, the government keeps denying that it's around, or, that weapons testing is going on, or whatever RUMOR happens to pop up there, the government would like us to think that it wasn't there, but it is. (hey, for fun, start your own innovative rumor bout Area 51, back it up with some type of government money being spent on the unknowns, and write a book about it, neat huh?). (Area 51 = Real, Wanted to be "not real".) BULLSHIT: Def. #1 -- Waste material excreted from the anal cavaity of a bull. Def. #2 -- A statement or sentence/comment/etc that has been given, or heard, that is not true. i.e. -- "I wuz abduct'd by som' o 'dem aliens and they did som' awfly pervers' things t' me.", Billy-Joe-Bob from the trailer court. (Not REal, but pretends to be.) Now, you have either thought about or have been thinking, "Well, what about Roswel, New Mexico?" My Answer is this: Think about it. You're from a really small town, the population is dying, money is going out of the town, and the people are unhappy. Oh look, one of the governments toys broke and landed near our town. Wow, look at all that activity, and wow, look at those pretty lights. Hmmmm... "I saw some flashing lights", "I saw some strange looking writing", "Oh yeah, well I saw a creature walk out"..."blah blaj blah". Tourism in Roswell is HUGE! Money is flowing in, and the place is now extremely famous throughout the world. And look at all the money they're making, not only the people there, but all the company's that would like to make money off stupid people. i.e. alien posters, clothes, lighters, stuffed animals, toys, cartoons... etc, etc. In closing, I would like to say... GROW UP!!! You're not special, aliens don't happen, and your mother was a goat, what are you gonna do about it, huh? [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #563 - WRITTEN BY: UNRELATED - 4/11/99 ] .