[--------------------------------------------------------------------------] ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #586 `888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8 888 888 888 888 888 "Possibly Proverbial Parables" 888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8 Volume One 888 888 888 888 888 " 888 888 `88b d88' 888 o by Trilobyte [4/21/99] o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] It is tough to be a masochist and a smoker -- one cannot decide whether to smoke another cigarette and damage his body more, or quit to suffer the pains of withdrawal. Creating a product means you must prove its value to consumers and then insure distribution so those consumers can get the product. How many miles does your car have? How many of those were useful? How many were spent driving down beautiful wooded lanes? Well that's beautiful for _you_! If life is one great mystery, there must be _someone_ who will solve it. Think about certain questions regarding anything and certain rational answers will surface -- think about those answers, combine them, and there will be more questions. Eventually these questions will be answered, and so on... Italic means italian, italian means European. So if there's a black hole at the center of the galaxy, are we getting pulled closer and closer? Is it like our planet is being flushed down the galactic toilet? How soon until we go down the drain? There is some sort of inherent charm in finding use for something that is old. Doing tomorrow's homework in a 25 year old notebook. Doing this homework with your grandpa's old pen. I like my old coat. Find it necessary to show ultimate disgust. One form of proof that you are a computer nerd: if you are reading a book and see a hyphen -- a connected double-dash -- and think "double alt-136". So everything as we know it is a world. The world is a world, each person is a world, a cup of juice is a world, a software program is a world. All are interchangeable. Perhaps my world is a cup of juice, while yours is a software program. And in your world, you are in a for-loop. Everything keeps repeating until a certain variable reaches a certain value. Then you will exit the for-loop. But where will you go from there? That could be the end of your program. Or your for-loop could be followed with another for-loop, in which you will be stuck for a predefined or dynamic amount of time. And my cup of juice is a software program. It has a few sparse statements encapsulated in its ceramic shell. Its for-loop states that FOR Juice = Full TO Empty STEP -1 in BASIC. So it is stuck in this loop until its juice is all gone. Then it exits the loop, at which time the cup would be refilled, therefore entering another for-loop, or it will be put away, its execution complete. And a world, therefore could be completely expressed in a meticulously detailed software program. A fairly basic moment in a calm day may involve breathing, blinking, sitting, watching TV. Take into account all the stumuli in this world-view. Code them into the program, and viola, two worlds collide. [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #586 - WRITTEN BY: TRILOBYTE - 4/21/99 ] .