[--------------------------------------------------------------------------] ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #618 `888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8 888 888 888 888 888 "Help for Those in Need" 888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8 888 888 888 888 888 " by Twister 888 888 `88b d88' 888 o 5/9/99 o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] N'sync fans are swarming over the earth. Scientists predict that by the year 2000 75% of the population will love N'sync. The other 25% will have gone into hiding by then. HOE really needs to start a revolution. We must help those poor little teeny-boppers. They are ruining themselves, and poisoning our minds. For the love of all that is holy, I live in utah! There is no escape from those crappy boy groups. I can no longer listen to the radio safely. Please, join my crusade, invade their chatrooms, message boards and convert them. Offer them my 12 step program: 1. Throw away all magazines containing the afore mentioned boy groups. 2. Redecorate your room, chances are it's plastered with their posters. 3. Discard any clothing bearing their trademarks or pictures. 4. Withdraw your membership from their fan-clubs. 5. Record over any tapes containing their appearances, interviews, etc. 6. Your halfway there, just don't tape anything else, or buy anything containing the dreaded boy groups. 7. When they come on the radio or tv, turn the channel. If you live in Utah and there is no escape, turn the radio/tv OFF. 8. If you live with a fellow fan, who does not want to be rehabilitated, move out immediately. 9. You will experience a withdrawal, when you start to experience shakes, chills, headaches, and panic, you are in withdrawal. Head off to the wilderness with a bottle of Mad Dog, and payote, so you can be cleansed spiritually of all the demons. And so you are too intoxicated to experience anything but a hangover. 10. Listen to 12 hours of music. And no, N'sync does not qualify to be called music. Some good choices are: Shawn Mullins, Beth Orton, Lauren Hill, Wyclef Jean, Busta Rhymes, Garbage, Sheryl Crowe, Fiona Apple, and Korn. Listen until you no longer feel the need to abuse your ears with N'Sync. 11. Help others. Don't be aggressive, yet, that is step 12. Kindly point out other sounds to listen to. Change their cd's often with the approved of music. Change radio stations often. Be kind, but firm. Your friends are in a delicate condition but, THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE! 12. Join the crusade. Invade chatrooms, get into arguments, debates, be aggressive. E-mail this message to everyone you know. You are recovered, but if a relapse should happen follow #9, and this time take the good music with you, 2 bottles of Mad Dog, and stay for 2 weeks. Thank you very much. This fine list was written by Kyra Walton, who is now in professional therapy because of the inescapable N'Sync. "I tried to block it out, but then they started playing N'Sync over the PA system at school, and I didn't have anywhere to go." Kyra has always despised boy groups, and is progressing in a lifelong crusade against the evil messages they spread. [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #618 - WRITTEN BY: TWISTER - 5/9/99 ] .