[--------------------------------------------------------------------------] ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #624 `888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8 888 888 888 888 888 "Marilyn Manson, Friends, 888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8 and Ex-Girlfriends" 888 888 888 888 888 " 888 888 `88b d88' 888 o by Unrelated [5/9/99] o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] I went to the Manson concert, actually two of them. One up in Madison, and the one in Cedar Rapids. I would like to discuss the latter of the two. I had decided that I wanted to go to the Manson show in Cedar Rapids. My mother told me that I had $20 in my accound at a bank that I thought I had cancelled. Well, I closed that up, shit, I was $10 short. Well, I ended up spending $5 of it so now I was $15 short. So, who else to ask? The only other person in my family currently with a job, My younger brother. Nate. He gave it to me, reluctantly, on the grounds that some day I would pay him back. I only owe one other person money. They'll get it, eventually. Anywho, so after pocketing the money only one problem. NO RIDE!!! I decided I was going to hitch. I told my parents this and after about an hour my mom says she'll take me.... "great", I'm thinking "I'd probably be there by the time she finishes getting ready." My dad apparently was thinking the same thing 'cause he metioned something to that affect. Well, after about 20 minutes of my mom getting ready one of my friends decides to come over. I told him (Jason) that I was going to the Manson Concert and that my mom was going to drive me down there. He asked how much the tickets were, and after about 5 minutes of pointless conversation he decides to go too. Neat... I've got a ride. I told my mom what was going on and we left. OH yeah, one condition, I had to help him with his car. I don't know shit about cars. So we go this parts shop, pick up the parts that he needs. Go to his dad's shop. Where we have to buy a pop out of the pop machine (nice dad, huh?). Fortunately, he decides not to do any hard work, just puts on a new power steering belt, and we left. Now, on our way down to C.R. we saw more highway patrolmen pulling or having people pulled over than a cops T.V. show. It was insane. We didn't get into any trouble. WOO - HOO. When we finally get about half-way there Jason tells me that my other friends are working in this next town coming up. So, We decide to go look for 'em. They were working construction digging ditches for people. Well, we ended up finally finding them and me in my all black and spiked collar. One of my friends walks up to me and jokingly says"Take that shit off, we've got a bunch of guys who'll kick your ass" I just shrugged it off and gave him a handshake. They went back to work, and we continued on our journey. When we finally got there, it took us a little bit to find a place to park. And when we went outside, holy shit. There were christians there, and freaks, and lots of cops. The christians were "fighting" back with nice ness. They were giveing out free pop and pizza. Awesome. I wasn't thirsty so I took one of the pops and just dumped it out on the sidewalk. I'm a prick like that. So then we just walked up to the gate and went in. We started off up front before the show started. Nashville PUssy just ruled. Anyways, about 1/3 of the way through Nashville pussy here comes one of my friends from where I used to live and we grabs me by the back and pulls me to guess who? MY girlfriend. YES!!!! I missed her so much. Uh oh, guess who else was with them, My ex-girlfriend, yeh. Oh well, so I introduced everyone the best I could (we were in the pit of a pre-manson show). I told jason that I was going to the back to talk to my girlfriend and he said sure whatever. Now as we were walking back, I ran into guess who? Another ex-girlfriend that I hadn't seen in a year or so and didn't want to see again. SHIT!!! So she ends up pulling me aside and we end up talking, (white trash WHORE!!!) at least, she did, I was polite and gave her my mail addy but as for writing her back, hmmmm... maybe it's time to change my e-mail address..... Well My girlfriend, and my most recent ex-girlfriend end up going up top to sit in the balcony (after locating each other again) and watching the show. Well, as my gf and ex-gf are using the rest room guess who I meet up in the balcony? One of my friends from back in Dubuque where I used to live. Wow, what a cluster fuck. After Nashville Pussy got over I went down to try to find my friend Jason, couldn't, this sucked. And ended up running into guess who? Another ex-gf from a different town, this one I hadn't seen in about two years and again, never wanted to see again (what a fucking night). Well, this time it was really bad because she said she missed me and cared for me still but, I didn't really care, I told her that I'm with some one else. Some one better, who I really care about alot, and she just walked off and I didn't see her for the rest of the night (Thank god). I never found my friend Jason, and so I went back up into the Balcony for the rest of the show. I went down into the pit a couple of times, but, not like the madison show. After it was over, I went downstairs with my gf and ex/gf and lost them too. That sucked. Now, not only could I not find my ride home, I couldn't find my girlfriend to say good-bye, see you later. This sucked. Well, after waiting outside the door for a while guess who I meet? One of my old buddies from college. He's about 40 or so but cool as fuck. I helped him set up his computer system when he first got it. So we chatted for a minute or two and then split up. I ended up going outside the gate and back towards the parking ramp where I found my girlfriend and my other two friends and my ex-girlfriend who were all hanging out together. We all ended up walking back to their car together and guess who I meet? Another person I knew, JOsh, the Bitch. (that's his official title) Tom and I go over to his house, break his stuff and treat him like shit, he's funny like that. Also, every time I see him, I make him give me a dollar. After hanging out with them for a while I ended up going back to the other parking ramp to find my friend jason. Well after a block or two we see the cops walking down the side of the street we were cutting people off. So, I ended up asking a cop to help us across the road, what a nice cop, good cop, here's your doughnut. Well, after we ended up outside the other parking ramp I finally find Jason. It turns out he was down in the pit the whole time helping keep people away from some short girl with asthma. What a nice guy. So, I make him go inside for a while as my girlfriend and I talked. She was talking about breaking up, I wouldn't let her. I told her I would call her later and that I would stop by to see her shortly. After that, she left. The next little adventure entailed inside the parking ramp where Jason and I got to watch the cops beat the crap out of some guy. Neat. Well, we took off early, we didn't go hang out, and we got ripped off 'cause Manson didn't even break anything interesting. But, all in all, it was time to call it a night. As we were driving the interstate home, me half asleep, Jason says something to me that I couldn't make out. After a while he tells me there was a hith hiker back there, damn, that just made me feel shitty. oh well, back to sleep. [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #624 - WRITTEN BY: UNRELATED - 5/9/99 ] .