[--------------------------------------------------------------------------] ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #633 `888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8 888 888 888 888 888 "I Suck, Part 2" 888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8 888 888 888 888 888 " by Phairgirl 888 888 `88b d88' 888 o 5/11/99 o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] I suck a whole lot. Sometimes it's on a straw. Other times, it's on a lollipop. If i'm feeling randy and naughty, I'll suck a popsicle. If there's a naked man standing around, I just might suck his hard wooden shaft. Ooooh yeah. I suck a whole bunch of DICKS. SLURP SLURP SLURP! I just can't seem to get enough of that penis sucking. All I do all day long, if I'm not milking clean a juicy cock, you bet I'm dreaming about it. Suck suck suck, that's all I seem to ever do. Why, I might even suck yours, too. So you better watch out and tuck your Mr. Winkies far away, because I suck. I suck a whoooooole lot, and sometimes I get a little out of control and suck right through denim. It's just that crazy. Zany. A little bit wacky. I'm a wacky girl. Wackity wack wack wacky, wackydee. And someday, I just have this ferocious dream of sucking out of a gigantic straw, just like, the biggest straw in the world. This straw could also be a penis. I'm just not sure. But I'm gonna suck it, I do nothing better, I'm telling you buddy. Sometimes I get people yelling at me to stop sucking, cuz you know, it was like an hour and I just couldn't stop sucking, it's like my mouth was out of control, it was on FIRE BABY and nothing could control the intense vacuum from within. It was a suckathon in my own little happy smiley mouth. I don't even remember what I was sucking. I think it was a vanilla milkshake. I swear, vanilla milkshakes are the ultimate in sucking, especially the ones from Burger King that have no flavor. They just taste like White. White nothing. White milky frozen mix. But that was kind of a tangent. Well not really, because I was still carrying on about the whole sucking thing, and that's the intent of this little tirade, to talk about how much I suck. And how much I like sucking. However, this whole suck thing is getting rather repetitive. Maybe I should just describe precisely how I suck. Yes. First, I wrap my juicy red lips around the suckable object. If this object is too large for me to wrap my lips around, then I will succumb and not suck on it. Of course, this would then qualify it as being non-suckable, and not in this category anyway, so it should completely be omitted from the description herein. Second, I create a pressure difference so that the air/plastic/skin/what not is driven intensely close to the skin/tongue/saliva/what not inside my mouth. The difference in pressure actually pushes, since I was once informed repeatedly that nothing sucks, it simply pushes. But that's certainly neither here nor there, brings back horrible teenage traumatic memories, and pisses me off a whole lot. Third, I complete the entire sucking process, although I don't really think that's a step at all, I just tossed that in there because otherwise it would say first and second and just look altogether lame without a third. And ta-da, I suck. And I don't even need five dollars. Don't know why those vietnamese hookers do. But anyways, it's really fun. I still am not quite sure why but sucking gives me intense pleasure. Sometimes I will gaze longingly at a soda straw and dream about the happiness I achieve while sucking. I will suck a milkshake until I have blower's cramp. Wait a minute, why do they call it blower's cramp, I mean crimini I wasn't blowing, I was sucking. I don't care how you twist it, any way shape or form, but that's not blowing. Why are things so stupid like that. Like, why is it that when it's kind of nippy outside, people say it's "chilly" but "chili" and "Chile" are two very hot things? That makes no sense and rather annoys me much. All I really want is to suck in peace and quiet. And smile and do that thing I do, all happy and suckfilled and smiling. I just wish I didn't suck so much. Sigh. Slurp. [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #633 - WRITTEN BY: PHAIRGIRL - 5/11/99 ] .