[--------------------------------------------------------------------------] ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #659 `888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8 888 888 888 888 888 "Trendy, Are We?" 888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8 888 888 888 888 888 " by Unrelated 888 888 `88b d88' 888 o 5/22/99 o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] Here is a list of trends, old and new, that I just don't understand and propably never will. Why is it trendy to be Asian? Go to Gadzoooks, look at the clothes they have there... *deep shudder*. Why are stupid childrens cartoons trendy? -- i.e. Powerpuff Girls. Hippies. Need I say more? Why is it trendy to be dead? "I'm so gothic, I'm dead". Sure, dress the way you want, pretend to be a vampire, run around and bite people's necks, never watch the sunrise, look dead, sleep in a coffin, and in the end, die anyways, after many years of pretending to be immortal... losers.... What about the colors: Blue, black, green, brown, purple, and pink? Why are they all so popular, you never see a mix of these colors, there always alone..... What about preppy's? They've got no fucking clue!!! Spare changing has become popular! I don't get it.... GET A JOB!!! (This, coming from a semi-homeless person, who "spanges" spare changes, all the time.) Super christianity! I beat down for the lord!!!! if god truly loved me, he wouldn't have made T.V. evengalists... White trash.....SHOOT THEM ALL!!!!! You shoould not be proud to be white trash........ Wannabee's......SHOOT THEM ALL!!!!!!........Get a real life.... contrary to what offspring might think, the world does NOT need wannabees..... Paganism......well....if you gatta believe that there is some type of other spiritual beings ruling nature, why not blame everything on many gods, instead of one demon....sure, that makes sense to me why not, and while were in fantassy land, I'd like a blow job.... The alien trend, you know, "We Believe", "There out There", BULLSHIT!!!!!! Get a life, the X-files is a tv show, NOT REAL LIFE!!!! Ok, now think about it.....never mind, not worth the time or the effort... Oh yeah, and why, oh why oh why, is it now trendy among teens, and some college students, to be "Bi-Sexual".... Damnit, now, not many things piss me off, but, this is one of them, don't pretend to be a dyke or a queer just to impress or scare somebody off, because not only are you hurting your own mental psyche, but, you could possibly be seriously hurting somebody -- I mean, in the bad way. I don't really care if you go out and purposefully piss somebody off, but when you start to go around messing with their head and their emotions, you should be fucking shot!!! You don't tell somebody that you like them alot, and then when it finally gets to the moment of passion you say just kidding, or I like somebody else, or I'm not really bi, I'm stragiht, well, FUCK YOU!!!! Grow the fuck up.....damn.... Hair dye, I don't get it.....just, whatever.... Piercings, what the??? you pierced what?? Where?? ow. In closing, just remember, you are unique, just like everybody else... [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] Editors' note: any similarities between this file and *EVERY* text file from 1995 are purely coincidence. [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #659 - WRITTEN BY: UNRELATED - 5/22/99 ] .