[--------------------------------------------------------------------------] ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #671 `888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8 888 888 888 888 888 "The Story of the Lost Cluster" 888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8 888 888 888 888 888 " by Anjee 888 888 `88b d88' 888 o 6/9/99 o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] on may 21st, my computer decided to write a short story while i was waiting for it to boot back up. since none of you have had the pleasure to meet my dear computer, i'm assuming i will have to interpret it's work. "ScanDisk has found a lost cluster. -> cluster was no doubt different. some would even say crazy. because of his unstable state of mind, cluster was rejected everywhere he went. pitying the poor loon, mommy and daddy cluster decided that this would be the last time he would be subjected to rejection. within a few days after the execution of the their believed fool-proof plan, cluster became more and more suicidal. he figured out that mommy cluster and daddy cluster did not "just leave to get sister cluster", but instead left him to get depressed and kill himself. so there he was, just floating around aimlessly in anjee's hard drive, which later resulted in cluster getting lost. Mr ScanDisk was taking a walk one bright sunny day and stumbled upon our lost cluster friend who was hungry and wearing rags. cluster was sitting under c:\cdpro\ and did not want to be bothered. he was trying to bore himself to death, but MrScanDisk ruined his suicide attempt. in a fit of rage, cluster bolted over and started punching the piss out of him. Of course this upset Mr ScanDisk, but he refused to react because of his kind and caring nature. also, based on the fact that he knew no cluster would normally wander around alone, he guessed that something bad might've happened to cluster. This cluster was probably a directory at one time. -> lets travel back in time. cluster started out by being a directory. he then got kidnapped by the feared BADSECTOR evil scientists who gave him all sorts of potions and tortured him in every single possible way. poor cluster. after what seemed like forever spent with the evil scientists, he was found and returned to his home. the potions affected his brain and he began acting weird and saying silly stuff. later that day they found a total of 4 dead bodies and all pointed the finger at cluster, but no arrests were made. actually, no one but cluster's parents dared to approach him. The directory has been recovered." -> the nice ScanDisk man took cluster into his home, fed, bathed and clothed him. shortly after, cluster got rid of his shyness and began trusting others, he would talk Mr ScanDisk's ear off about anything he could think of. he even admitted how he flushed some girl named tasha's hamsters (pissant and baxter) down the toilet. *pause* :( *resume* the nice kind man thought cluster's behavior resembled his from a long time ago when HE was captured by the BADSECTOR evil scientists. he then remembered that he concocted a cure. he immediately ran to his exe and brought it to cluster. trusting Mr ScanDisk, cluster took the claimed "remedy" and was magically poofed back into a directory. nobody ever rejected him anymore, his parents accepted cluster back into their exe and he became lifelong friends with Mr ScanDisk. everybody lived happily ever after. the end. mY baWX 0wNZ! [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #671 - WRITTEN BY: ANJEE - 6/9/99 ] .