[--------------------------------------------------------------------------] ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #714 `888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8 888 888 888 888 888 "fuckingbugs.com" 888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8 888 888 888 888 888 " by Effy 888 888 `88b d88' 888 o 7/1/99 o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] ARE YOU TIRED OF THE SAME OLD PORN SITES ON THE NET? The same boring things you see time and time again: anal sex, lesbians, oral sex, orgies, masturbation, masturbation with mangoes, masturbation with snakes, masturbation this and that! It gets old, doesn't it? Aren't you ready for something NEW and EXCITING? Something you've never dared to dream of before!? Something that will knock your socks off and turn you ON!? Welcome to fuckingbugs.com! Your #1 source on the World Wide Web for pure, unadulterated, unadorned, unaffected BUG PORN! Oh, you think it's disgusting, do you? How can fuckingbugs.com possibly be a turn-on? Well, you just wait and see! Throw away your Off! and tear down your screen windows! We've hired top-of-the-line porn stars and other celebrities to do unspeakably immoral acts of insect beastiality to satisfy your outrageous taste for pleasure! Here's just a sample of what's in store for you when you become a member of fuckingbugs.com: Discover the sensual excitement of what happens when BILL CLINTON pleasures MONICA LEWINSKY with a walking stick, all while smoking a cigar, and wearing Monica's infamous stained dress! Way to go, Billy! Experience something only a real slut can do! Watch BRITNEY SPEARS orally satisfy a huge South American beetle, while being anally raped by a giant maggot, all while singing and dancing to "Baby Hit Me One More Time" and being domestically abused by a nameless, drunken jock. See for yourself firsthand the true colors of the HANSON boys! Zack, Taylor, and the older kid who looks like a monkey's ass have an incestal orgy in an inhumanely large anthill while giving head to anteaters and tweaking on meth! Feel your temperature rise sky-high when you see the real Tommy Lee & Pamela video! This is the completely uncut, uncensored version! We bet you never knew what they could do with a bottle of Jack Daniels, some fresh honey, some ants, and some vibrating panties! And the one you've all been aching for... become bug-eyed when you see Hoe's own UNRELATED be butt fucked by a greasy, gigantic cocoon with the face of George Lucas, then read the exclusive interview where he complains about how much it sucked, and how trends suck too, and how everything else in the world completely unrelated to fucking bugs is just stupid and gay and really, REALLY sucks also! If THIS hasn't convinced you to subscribe to fuckingbugs.com, you'll just have to see for yourself first! We're offering a FREE TRIAL MEMBERSHIP for two weeks, where you can see for yourself, first-hand, the sizzling, red-hot sensuality and true sexual nature and usage of insects! You may even learn a few tips yourself for spicing up your sex life! If after two weeks, you're not satisfied completely, just cancel your membership and you owe nothing, nada, ZIP! However, if you're utterly entranced and turned on by fuckingbugs.com, just send in $24.99, and you're a full-fledged member for a whole year! You'll be treated to all the features above and MUCH, MUCH MORE! Subscribe today, and receive a free cocoon-shaped dildo that sprouts wings when you reach orgasm! Fuckingbugs.com...discover what the BUZZ is all about! Put away your Off! and get turned ON! [-----] (Note: This Hoe article is lovingly dedicated to M4D 3LF and Big Daddy Bill.) [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #714 - WRITTEN BY: EFFY - 7/1/99 ] .