[--------------------------------------------------------------------------] ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #724 `888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8 888 888 888 888 888 "My Two Lives" 888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8 888 888 888 888 888 " by Six 888 888 `88b d88' 888 o 7/6/99 o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] Welcome to South Plainfield, NJ. We are a typical NJ small town, we are also the only South Plainfield in America. We have neighborhoods not based on housing developments, but based on nationality. I don't mean the Caucasian neighborhood and the african-american neighborhood either. I mean, if your polish you live in Geary Park, if you're Italian you live over in Holly Park with the Irish stuck in-between. We have many historical landmarks, such as a toxic landfill, the site of the first airport in NJ, old trolley tracks, many big Victorian houses, a couple of brothels, and a titty bar. So, on with my story, in my dear old town there is a way you are brought up, and it's not to be a nice person, or smart.. It is to be an athlete, or some type of athletic supporter. From a young age I was in dance, gymnastics, softball, field hockey, cheerleading, majorettes. Right smack dab in the middle of this world. I was an Irish-Italian girl from Holly Park with curly brown hair done just like Alyssa Milano's in Who's the Boss circa 1985. You couldn't be that smart, but you had to be kind of smart, college bound, high enough gpa to stay in activities, but not honor society high. Oh dear, god forbid if you had a computer. I've had a computer since I was 5. I just played games on it. November 27, 1991 is when my second life began. I had a neighbor Mike, that was a 'smart kid' and he also had a Commie 64. That afternoon my cat got hit by a car and I was devastated. I told Mike and he said 'YOU HAVE TO COME OVER, I found this thing you can call up and chat with people from North Jersey it's called an STS'. The beginning of the end. December 15th 1991 I slipped in gymnastics causing an injury that required surgery. I spent hours on this STS chatting and chatting. Soon they had meet's at diners I went to. Then as my injuries healed and I was thrust back into my South Plainfield life, while still maintaining my sts friends. Then my personality split. In town I was the daughter of a council woman with my Alyssa Milano hair, my 3.5 GPA, baton, saxophone and field hockey stick. On the STS I was the big mouth, sex fiend of a girl. Said what ever I pleased did whatever I wanted. If I had never been in marching band, this never would have happened but my worlds collided. October 1993, Junior year, Football game vs. Roxbury. I run into some STS kids exchanged hugs and things. It never occurred to me how outwardly nerdy these kids were, but someone noticed, to this day I don't know who. Apparently the kids were asked how they know me and they said from the computer, that was it.. it was all over. The story spread like wild fire.. Alicia is a computer geek, she's a spy she's trying to infiltrate our popular cliques with computers and disks and modems. Not that any of them knew what a modem was. Immediately I was thrust out. I was a band nerd, a computer nerd. My Alyssa hair soon became and short half shaved purple bob, my new friends were misfits. Cheerleaders threw ketchup at me if I had on the same sweater as one of them. My old friends didn't talk to me.. Simply because I owned a computer. After we graduated and my senior will simply read 'I Alicia S.. Leave.. Thank God!' I never attended the post graduation parties.. I slipped off into oblivion as far as anyone knew I moved far far away. As you already know, within the next couple of years the internet made its decent upon the world. I saw people from my high school popping up on AOL and on websites.. I just snickered to myself and kept hiding. My Alyssa hair grew back in time. Then someone found me. Then I went out with them. I got a ton of apologies. So here I am with my two lives. In town I am the daughter of the Rescue Squad Captain, and a Former Board of Education President. I have brown Alyssa Milano hair circa 1999. I am a secretary at a big corporation. My baton, saxophone, and field hockey stick sit in the back of my closet. On the STS which is now a BBS/Chat I am a big mouthed sex fiend. I say whatever I please and do whatever I want. I IRC all day from work. At night I drink at the Polish National Home bar, with my cheerleader/football player friends. The misfits don't talk to me anymore because I am too normal. I suppose you're wondering the point of this story.. There really is none. Except, it doesn't matter what you are or what you're like people just suck. If you are not like them they wont like you. I am grateful for my two lives, I feel I am a nicer more understanding person because of it. So in conclusion.. Have you hugged your modem today? [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #724 - WRITTEN BY: SIX - 7/6/99 ] .