[--------------------------------------------------------------------------] ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #725 `888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8 888 888 888 888 888 "Her Russian Life (The True One)" 888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8 888 888 888 888 888 " by Mr A Jim 888 888 `88b d88' 888 o 7/6/99 o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] That was terrible. I felt almost as though I were the one being beaten. Beaten and abused. At sixteen. She's still letting herself be beaten at sixteen. Of course, at this point, she's so used to it that she wouldn't even think of resisting. Why was she beaten? Oh, her father found out about her medical condition (he was quite insenced about the whole thing). Yeah. It was the endless rambling that took me there. Her rambling can be quite informative. Two minutes and a tiny wish for ignorance. She lived in the Bloc for a few years, until they made the glide. On most days, she would have enough time to get sexualized at an early age by other kids. Here, she could only look forward to being raped by a drunken man. Her parents never left her side. Frequently, she could hear their tiny voices. "Shut up, little girl!" "You're getting fat. Let me teach you how to throw up." They loved to threaten, those folks. And they did. With impunity. Ah, they could be quite mischevious, those folks. They did just what they felt like doing... They would smack and bruise her until it seemed their hands must be raw. She was a disturbed girl (in fact, actively disturbed by her parents), and knew little of reality. The only reality she had was the hormone-soaked world of corruption and infidelity projected by her family accquaintances. When she was thirteen, aside from deciding that she must be a lesbian, she found a the perfect boyfriend who could taunt and belittle her all day long. Eventually, she realized that she could get all the insults she craved by sticking with The Other Russian Girl. That particular ice queen had all the tools necessary to hold her in her pale, greenish grip. Then, one evening, she met All-American Jewish Boy. Like her, he was in attendance at a party. She admired his original pickup line and his pleasing aesthetics. He decided, since he was so cool, that he should rescue her. But she was actually in control now. He would never tell anyone who could make a difference about her hell, but he would contract the disease. Incurably, he would ramble. Just like her. She did so many wonderful things with him. She played organized sports, and got naked, and engaged in some intimate activities. Yes, it was certainly different this time. Not like the last two times she had been screwed by an older man. And she did lots of other fun stuff, too. She met his cool friends, and planned their future, and cheated on him. Now, don't be shocked. Yes, she violated his trust three or four times, but one was with a girl. So it didn't count. But she would tell him. And he would learn more, but still be optimistic because he was so cool. And besides, for the number of people he could use up and be facetious to, he could stand to invest himself in her. After a while he would say, "Now, sweetie, you didn't mean it." But maybe she did. At least she felt it. And she never let him start again. But she's still around, kickin' it in the USA. So, I suppose you understand how much her mother loves her? [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #725 - WRITTEN BY: MR A JIM - 7/6/99 ] .