[--------------------------------------------------------------------------] ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #729 `888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8 888 888 888 888 888 "Meaningless" 888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8 888 888 888 888 888 " by Mutter 888 888 `88b d88' 888 o 7/6/99 o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] Good morning, my brothers. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm the fucking eternal buzz in your ear -- making you restless and pushing you on the road. (someone shut that radio off) Time again to take a blade to my face Time to cut the grass mother, I used my milk money to buy marijuana... ("son of a bitch." she replied) Oh well, Orwell never saw this shit coming you're so scared you try running where ya gonna run to, friend? "What a fine night for things not to be finite ..." even the most sacred times have turned into nothing more than wild pricetags with barcodes [you think you're free? Not to me] (radiation cube to pacify. God isn't dead. He's trapped in a dollar sign!) Hey man, I got no plan, I'm just trying to get Ed-Jew-Kay-Ted know thyself. trust thyself. kill thyself. she stepped through the doorway and into the fire Alone and desperate -- and content maybe she didn't even realize it ... i'm being optimistic then, without even the slightest indication, she left. never to see me again she said she was going to "chase the moon" of course she knew she'd never catch it but that didn't stop her it never stops any of us. (I can hardly hear it now) no paper? try credit. discredit and damn it track your ass all over the fucking planet. (she showed me that what we preach so highly is what we lack the most) I'm both I'm neither I'm all and nothing. ... we turn into some bizarre, image conveying drones and twist our faces in unnatural smiles. Where's the hard truth? "The point of the game ain't winning. It's just to fail to lose." Bless the individual who embraces the hard truth! Let's fit everything into specific categories, little boxes that things fit nicely into, (including you) boxes on top of boxes, things enclosed by walls, sanctioned and sanitized. (fencing in all) and if they don't fit. by god we'll make them fit. watch them shake we'll crack and break to make them fit. After all, it's the world's nature to be fair and organized. and if it's not, so what? we'll make it the world's nature. After all, the world belongs to us (we wrote and signed the deed ourselves). It's a slave to behave how we command. Sit, beg, play dead. meaningless-everything. mentally, I'm stressed emotionally, I'm depressed financially, I'm pressed physically, I'm a mess morally, I could care less romantically, she won't talk to me eternally, I'll wait and see naturally, I'm not the one to be. my soul wants to sleep but my body won't let it so fucking pathetic wet cigarette not lit can't light itself cause I won't let it that movie was good are we still in it still sitting in this coming-down-restless-paranoid-need-to-write-but- have-nothing-to-say-like-to-hypenate-everthing-forever-until-i-get-bored- wow-this-is-a-long-hypenated-phrase-wonder-when-i'll-stop-okay-getting- bored-now-gonna-stop-soon-about-now type of mood. I think I'll spend my life at a keyboard just so I can write a bunch of shit. Then when I'm 60 I'll publish a book of these rambling rants called "Don't Buy This Book" and it'll be a best seller. I'll be famous because I'll be the first to apply "reverse psychology" to the market place. And I'll coin the term "reverse psychology marketing" and pretty soon household cleaners will bear labels that say things like "This cleaner doesn't clean up shit!" and people'll flock to the stores to buy it. I'll revolutionize the marketing industry. Yeah. That's what I'll do. ... at least I failed gracefully Like god says when the story ends, "good night." [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #729 - WRITTEN BY: MUTTER - 7/6/99 ] .