[--------------------------------------------------------------------------] ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #743 `888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8 888 888 888 888 888 "The Head Game That Went Bad 888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8 and Turned Out Better" 888 888 888 888 888 " by XxX_Droo7 888 888 `88b d88' 888 o 7/22/99 o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] Okay. So it's the night after I got that action I spoke about before (HOE #668). Once again I find myself at Harvey's for the follow up jammy jam. This is the night of one of Harvey's most memorable parties. Sadly, it was the last he had at his home. Now I was all pumped up from last night's events. So I was gonna play this night like the previous. I wasn't gonna try to get with any chicks cuz I would more than likely get let down and it would bum me out. Tonight had an entirely different scenerio goin' on. There was this chick from online, Siobhan, going to be there. Just a real quick explaination on her name. At First I thoguht she was Indian. Siobhan just looks totally hindu to me. Turns out its an Irish name pronounced shi-vhan. I was enlightened the day I learned this. Ok, back to the groovey story... Now I would screw with this girl's mind online all the time. Yes, it was a complete dick thing to do, but she always come back for more. I never chased her down and tormented her. I think she kind of dug it. I really wanted to meet this girl in person. I just wanted to scope her out and see what I was dealing with. Supposedly she wasn't 400 pounds and ugly. Not that I was expecting a hottie, but hey, I had hopes. She knew me and Harvey were good friends and she wasn't big on hanging out with computer geeks. So with those two items working against me, I had to concoct a plan on getting her to be there. Now the goals of the plan were simple at first, but they soon grew more complex. At first I was just wanted her to go to the party. But in the modified version of the plan, the goal was to try and hook up with her at the party. Sure that doesn't seem like it would mean much, but this girl totally wouldn't do that sort of thing with me if she knew who I truly was. So I took on an alias. I was to be known as Barry Willis, and Jess (Crimson) was to tell Siobhan all about Barry Willis online and to try and convince her that Barry was this dude she really needed to meet. Siobhan tookay the bait. She was going to be at the party. We weren't in the clear yet. Everyone at the party had to be in on it also. If anyone called me droo, the jig would be up. So I made sure I arrived early enuf to let people know they needed to call me Barry. And to ensure things would be good, I was introduced as Barry to people I never met before. Everything was good to go. Just to inform you, the key players in this story are: Barry Willis , Siobhan, Harvey, Jess, Keith, Dan, and Dave. You people already know who everyone is except Dan & Dave. Now these dudes I knew from hangin' out in Chuck's parents coffee house in Jackson. They were cool to chill with. I brought them up to the party along with Don and Chuck D. But that isn't important. What important is the events that were to unfold. Everything was goin' on good. The party was just right. Lots of people showed and everyone was having a good time. I was doin' my usual thing messin' with people and shit. Just entertaining myself. I recall a few stoners Harvey knew from work showed up. I was really inclined to mess with their heads a bit. So a went into the kitchen and broke up a wint-o-green lifemint and wrapped a couple of the pieces up in plastic wrap to make it look like crack. I'm a COPS addict, so I know how this shit was supposed to look. Anyway, I stroll outside onto the patio with my "rock" and proceed with my act. I pulled it out and offered it to the stoners hoping at least one would be into it and then we'd have a big ol laff when they grabbed and smelled what it was. But that was no go, so I hadda make like I was high on it. They gave me some crazy looks. So it wasn't half bad. Ooh. I almost forgot the point of this story: Siobhan. Now Keith was drunk out of his mind. I think he was trying to get with this really ugly chick there. Anyway, he knew about the plan and for some idiotic reason he thought that I had to tell Siobhan who I really was. So we're standing in the hall and he's grabbin' me and shit sayin' I gotta tell her who I am. Then he grabs me by the neck and throws me on the stairs and at that point I figured I should dop it before he cracks me in two. To sum things up, I told her. I forgot what he rreaction was, but it fucked up my whole intent. At this point things got twisted. . . . Somehow she winds up outside sitting on a picnic table between Dan & Dave. I was over there chillin' by them and before I knew she was makin' out with them both. Turning one way and then the other. I was just like, "Ohhhh shit. That is some crazy dope stuff." A few minutes later all three of them tookay a walk down the street by themselves. Now what was to happen next was the craziest shit to ever occur. The phone rang and it was her mother looking for her. She wanted her home right then. Why? I have no clue. Her and her family were obviously nut jobs. So me and some other people set out to find them. I was walking with Jess down the street on the sidewalk. Just a few houses down we get to a tree and come across Dan, Dave, and Siobhan underneath a tree on someone's front lawn. We didn't see them until the jumped up off the lawn. Scared the hell out of me when they did it. All I saw was all 3 of them grabbin' their pants. Turns out she was fuckin' both of them. I was like "Siobhan, your mom called. She wants you to go home." I was in total shock of what was goin' on. I couldn't believe my eyes. She started freakin' and was fumbling with her pants. They were all sorts of tangled on themself. She gets her clothes back and runs to her car and droves home. So me, Jess, Dan & Dave head back up to Harvey's front porch area and hang out. I'm tryin' to get the scoop on what happened but they didn't really give it all up. I did notice that Dan's shirt was wet from like his waist down. It turns out Siobhan pissed on him when they were on the grass. Very gross if you ask me. A few minutes later, her dad shows up looking for her. We told her she already left, and he soon did the same thing. That's about it. My plan was a bit of a success. Didn't turn out the way it was supposed to, but turned out better. I didn't get action that night either. Not again for about another two years. . . [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #743 - WRITTEN BY: XXX_DROO7 - 7/22/99 ] .