[--------------------------------------------------------------------------] ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #747 `888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8 888 888 888 888 888 "The World I Live In" 888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8 888 888 888 888 888 " by Hort (hort@hoe.nu) 888 888 `88b d88' 888 o 7/22/99 o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] Stupid Bitches run rampant. Stupid Hicks run after them. The stupid spics eat the leftovers from the stupid hicks and then sometimes the stupid hicks turn around and shoot the stupid spics. Behind the stupid spics are the stupid pigs, who make a living out of chasing the stupid spics around. The stupid spics sometimes turn around and shoot a stupid pig, but only when the stupid spics really outnumber the stupid pigs. The stupid pigs will occasionally shoot a stupid spic and will beat them often. The stupid pigs will sometimes miss and hit a stupid hick. Then the stupid hicks will whip out their shotguns and take out a bunch of stupid spics, and maybe a stupid pig. The stupid bitches run faster, so the stupid hicks jump in their retarded-looking jacked up trucks, take off after the bitches, and will sometimes even run over a stupid spic. The bitches run even faster and the stupid hicks blow up their engines when they get a woody and totally fuck up their balance. The stupid hick then goes to a mechanic, that passes the job onto some stupid dirty spic. Since hicks make all sorts of modifications to their retarded-looking trucks, when the stupid spic is trying to take the engine out, it falls and kill him. The yuppie shop owner then blames the hick, and comes after him with a tire iron. The hick grabs his shotgun and kills the yuppie. Then it's all over the 10 o'clock news. The previously mentioned stupid bitches are divided into skanks, hoes, and chinks. Hoes are bitches who will fuck just about anyone. But they do have a standard of who they will fuck and hicks fall into this category. Now the skanks are the bitches who dont have standards, simply because if they had any, they wouldnt get laid at all. The stupid spics are the only ones who will fuck the skanks. What these people become is discussed later. Chinks are bitches who just spread their legs and pose for cum shots in magazines and videos. They are a yuppie porno-magazine owner's dream, and are used by them often. The stupid hicks now buy the yuppie's magazine and masturbate to the cum shots of chinks. They then go out and harass chinks, hoping to get some. The chinks notice the jizz stain, and then they get their friends, the spics, to kill the hicks. By now the skanks have had relations with at least 5 different spics and mother at least 3 different mini-spics. They live off welfare and food stamps, which they use to buy crack and twinkies respectively. The welfare money given to the spics is used by the spics to bail their pseudo-friend spics out of jail and to buy more crack to sell to skanks and other spics. The spics and skanks occasionally OD on crack and go out in an orgy of convulsions, however have already fathered or mothered at least 3 mini-spics each. This is why the whole spic race never really dies or goes away. Back to the hoes. They commonly try to maintain two jobs, one of which is waitressing at a local bar, getting fondled every night by a bunch of drunken hicks and spics. The bar is the only place the hicks and spics can stand each other, since it smells bad anyways. The hoes make the payment on a one bedroom apartment that commonly has 3 or 4 pot smoking hicks in there at one time. Since a hick cant possibly satisfy a flea, much less a hoe, the hoe has a secret affair with the dog. The dog is now part of their child, and this loops over and over creating a more fucked up generation each time. The yuppies (cant forget the yuppies) have little or no influence on what and hicks or spics do in their life, but does watch and complain about what they are doing to their friend yuppies. The yuppies occasionally fuck hoes, but will often fuck female yuppies. [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #747 - WRITTEN BY: HORT - 7/22/99 ] .