[--------------------------------------------------------------------------] ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #754 `888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8 888 888 888 888 888 "My Babble File" 888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8 888 888 888 888 888 " by Hooker's Ghost 888 888 `88b d88' 888 o 7/24/99 o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] {{{{{{{{jamesy}}}}}}}} that's not a meal! AND THEN WHAT, FUCKER!?@ YEAH ohhh... how deliciously shocking! how gently disturbing! Zyzzy, xggflls ereooZzz ytmsaJJj! ! ! adreiQQ! math is hard! girl power! soaring through the air, you are in control you work for satan? deflector is an evil marauder, not a working camera. MASTURBATION: NOT JUST FOR TEENAGERS AND AUTHORS! speak japanese? we enjoy it. dude, i'm doing what i want i was christened mary. that's my favorite song too! YO, THE TIME IS NOW! DO YOU REALLY WANT TO STAY INSIDE FOR THE REST OF YOUR PATHETIC LIVES? Conditions remained pretty much gay today, expect more of the same tomorrow. End transmission. you are sooo beautiful that's exactly the sort of thing we've come to expect from you nobody does it better baby you're the best that was an inside joke that you couldn't possibly get welcome to #dto. we are stupid. boy, you sure know how to waste your time EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE i see right through your tricks nothing is sacred anymore wow, i just figured that out all by myself jesus christ! $16.99 for the new hootie and the blowfish album? 15 seconds remain on your death clock, make this fast funkfunkffunkfnunkfu. defunct. defunct. so, like, what's your fucking point? so, you wanna make out? boy, these jokes are GREAT! tonight on sliders, the gang winds up in an alternate universe where people go to the bathroom only once a month, where taking a shit is as painful as childbirth. i have angst. i like to eat spaghetti / i like to eat spaghetti / i like to eat spaghetti / i like to eat spaghetti / hello i read your peom tittled my name is mud by murmur. i'm at the hind-end of a three year long _fuck fantasy_ I know......... I gotta believe! I'm NOT a tree!!! yeah, ok. whatever. rubber? rubber comes from dirt! worms live in dirt! worms drive me crazy! i was crazy once... they put me in a rubber room! my daddy loves christ. show me your penis, jubjub. it's playtime spank me jesus! i want to be your mouse pad, baby. hi is that a midwest thing? hip hip.. hooray! mogel loves you you can say that again! oh YEAH? let's see how much you can take. and i need my plastic woman to get thru the night 'cause it feels good - banging your balls against the wall... andrew sandley does not think jokes about rape are funny. i agree. so how's the weather out there? ugh. gag me with an egg. yah RIGHT. mellow out, man fuck dat!@# do me, rj sometimes i want to take a fork and shove it in my eye any of you who are feeling patriotic can get up and join me- in PERVERSION quake rules!!!#! :) :) kaia rules help me get this broom out of my ass.. i don't know what i was thinking xgirl would say something but i'm too busy fisting her KEEP THE WAREZ ALIVE; CIRCULATE THE BOXES-ISSUE OF PHRACK do me an ansi!!!!!!!#! you have a jaded sense of reality you haven't been listening to your tori amos cds, have you? understand *you*? long shot you tell 'em! my dog ate all my KY jelly i am the best bot *ever*!!# FART! yeah shut up jerk no, i don't agree freaks die whatever um .. uh hehe tough shit ok hmm heh fuck no way freaks uh huh BWahahahahaa SCREW YOU OK?????? you're so sexual wrong i like you a LOT i just wrote a t-file about angst hehe :) i've always hated this time of year hehehe im lyk so fukkd up rite now ehehehehehe oh ehheeh "i only 'people' i really hate are fat people" - black francis of rice moooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cows are funny hehe :) i got hives from rubbing jamesy's butt i don't want to be that piece of steak that's stapled to your chest i don't wanna be salami m/sg murmur nice 'zine, wanna fuck? have sex with murmur if you are a girl IT'S TIME TO FUCK SHIT UP!!!! I LUV DTO, DO U LYK NIN? crowd - "ooooh!" WE ALL FUCKING BITCH ALL THE FUCKING TIME immanuel kant and scott zibble in a fight. who would win? compared to zibble, kafka's a doddling fool! that was so... anti-climactic i'm insinuatin'! i'm insinuatin'! be damned MOON! MOON! gurgle chubby pumpkin douche jerkface spew assfro rattle you're only hurting yourself i don't need your abuse go packers enough of this real life shit maybe i'll go drink some poison can i bite my foot until i bleed? SHUT UP AND GIMME BOBA FETT GIMME GIMME GIMME U SCUK U SUCK SUCKJ SUCUKS CUSKJC whatever country this is SWALO DA CUM IF U DONT HE WIL SAY U R A DUM BICH!!! you're wrong; i'm right i like to call it "aesthetic cleansing." this FROGS album is so great!!! wow!!! what record label are they on, murmur?!? I EAT BABIES. GIMME BABIES. YOM YOM. CHEEZE WIZ IN MY BRAIN AND DONKEY TAILZ EXTRAODINAIRE... *LETZ GIT BUSY*! (chorus): YO YO YO YO SOCK IT TO ME!!!!! i know you're fucking someone else don't worry, my mom will pay for everything interjacence. usurped parallelism. latus rectum at x = 3. sloppy, sloppy, sloppy oog naga soog zee ma zan. am i fucked up? each time you exhale, global warming extinguishes another species! soon after that they all died of a severe case of stupidity man, don't shroom when you're seeing scott zibble's shit, fuck. WE SING ABOUT MEAN GIRLS. THEY REALLY SUCK A LOT. SO DO WE. i've been a scott zibble fan since his first work came out, obloidism monthly! to get a dto file from me, just type (N = issue number): @dto N to get a dto file from me, just type (N = issue number): @dto N to get a dto file from me, just type (N = issue number): @dto N to get a dto file from me, just type (N = issue number): @dto N to get a dto file from me, just type (N = issue number): @dto N to get a dto file from me, just type (N = issue number): @dto N to get a dto file from me, just type (N = issue number): @dto N to get a dto file from me, just type (N = issue number): @dto N to get a dto file from me, just type (N = issue number): @dto N to get a dto file from me, just type (N = issue number): @dto N SO BE NICE AND TREAT ME RIGHT AND MAYBE WE'LL HAVE FUN TONIGHT styx's sister is a cool girl, i like her god your story is so fucking interesting this may hurt a little but it's something you'll get used to hi?? is n-e-1 heere???? is this the intrenett?? i'm a hacker, i took over #teen man, you're such a loser, i have so much sex and you have none! yeah i like it up the ass... it feels good, so sue me! man, this smack habit of mine is getting to be too pricey submit to dto! mogel@dto.net! why not? good idea are you kidding? so what? people drink piss-weak beer in college. the styx fish ate the eerie fish. serve me with catsup. it's playtime!@# jamesy is my friend!!! YO YO YO YO SOCK IT TO ME!!!!! masturbation is the key Type !list to access my XXX Fserve - 1:3 ratio - Upload first or be banned!!! that's what happens when you shove a tampon down your throat angst! pain! angst! it's so nice to chat with all of you!!!!! you people never cease to amaze me he's a wacky guy, that mogel oh the memories take my hand, james hetfield join us for the love; we have all the monkeys i'm so hip it _hurts_ you're a worthless moron don't hate me 'cause i am just so k-rad i'm crazy! i'm wacky! i'm zany! i'm nuts-o! it sucks, doesn't it? if you bump your head on the ceiling, sell me your volkswagen! you fucking poseur!!! "maybe i should dance with the dead" - gumby dewd, he'z a lamer, mah nig dewd nig - pass dem awps mogel whenz the next dto coming!!!!!??????????!?!!??????? hey mongle im startin a text phile groop it's like there's a party in my pants - & everyone's invited! ha ha funny! i have taken a lethal dose of dto we're _cyberpunks_! sigh what the hell is your problem lately? why are you so fucking dumb? genetics? someone find me my prozac YOU ARE ALL MAINSTREAM MUFUQAS(*&/!$ BE PUNK(*&$" got the squeaky 800#? how do i op myself? ru female? then ur an awful gay guy fuck them. i don't need them. i'm different. (applause) oh, the divinity! hah! me: horny. you: cunt. fuck. now. i am crushing your head! crush! crush! crushing your head! crush! silly you! I LUV GANJA don't fuck in the bushes when you're covered with honey you withstand my golden rain the modem mafia are masters of something so primal, it's almost as funny as you are "hey cocksucker why aren't you getting back to me about my fucking hoe app?" - godd yuor mumz so stupid she seyd yuor dum to me but im not dum im smart lay off the 'shrooms, boy i refuse to understand kooky, eh? it's true! your in america, now speak english!! rock gummy bears! cool! kill! kill! death! kill! mike, where is poor mike? mike is writing bad poetry about the sand and the sun i be is happy to be here... hahaha, you know? fo' real.. aww shit man ya' a fag man.. fo' real? awww shit, you know? arrhg! i knew that one! I PHEAR BoW! the internet is gay wow! that's interesting! tie him to the masthead until he's sober anyone here interested in having netsex with a computer geek that hides behind his computer masturbating to text conversation? hi. i always feel closer to you when we use the same server, baby! learn how to use your fucking apostrophes, or go to hell#! whoo whoo, man. whoo whoo. you wanna hit the shit, muthafucka? my mind looks upon you and laughs i chortle at the cornucopia of connotations you need a cyberenema why the sad face? neko is just going to BLOW ME AWAY this issue, isn't he? sometimes i do bloodletting with my boyfriend 'cause it's sensual hehehe :) i want cock i just found some change up my creamy slit! you should _really_ look for work moan ahahaha! that's so dumb! my cousin has a REDBOX & it is so COOL 'cause that shows that he is a HACKER become my submissive why are you complaining, dork?! you've got cool hair hey guys!!!!!!! what's up???????????? U. R. BLACKLISTED!!!! HAHA REST IN PEACE LAMER!!!! if i were you i'd shoot myself write about me...automessag me....i will urine box you for good!!! what do you call 500 gay women? a militia etheridge that's easier than having SEX with YOUR MOTHER jamesy -- head of the dto pets !!! DTO == SEX !!! jesus? is that really you? am i hallucinating? if their r n-e woman out their dat like funy cute guyz pleeze reply 2 me in mail!!!!????????...........thanx!!!!! you are in hell. satan is here. you have a cow. there are no exits. you are in las vegas, being raped by two large samoan men. you are on fire and have no arms. they're ogne (1) graphomaniac - one who is crazy about writing get it? mike hunt. ah-hahahaha i'm so bad starting another stupid-ass e'zine? WOW. can i touch you? WHY SEE A PSYCHOLOGIST WHEN I CAN JUST WRITE FOR DTO? HAHAHA!#% we're-all-fucked-and-that's-pretty-damn-funny-in-a-sick-way-let's-forget-if-it's-a-serious-problem-or-not-hey-pass-the-doughnuts-i-wonder-if-i'll-ever-do-anything-but-float-around-&-have-anything-besides-a-rad-text-file-&-an-affectionately-named-unix-box mE t0o!#$% HOW POETIC HATE MAKES IT GOOD the elf says, "how philosophical thou art!" "phil no understand english" - soe hehe you're so WEIRD! whatEVER buddy biff! quick - get on aol! we need to surf the net! teenage social urges... hi, i'm hooker & i give head it's goth BOO FUCKING HOO some day i'll be a serial killer!@##@%*(!@(%*!#(% kewl!!!! :) :P hehe :P :) :) :) what a dork what's going on? HEY GUYS !# WHAT'S UP !?!! someone likes the outdoors a lot! silence why did god putt pot on the eardth if he did not want us to use it???? l8r master-bater... hahaha i can zone on the telephone all night long u kno.. holy crap, you're wacky can i lick you? i have nothing amusing to say in reference to your handle i hear you're happy! let's fuck! present company excluded, of course uhm whatever this is goodbye im picking my gun up now dp goodbyewoe'wgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''ooowwwwwww oh GOD!#% NO!$!@$ i advise you to not RUN AWAY and be HERE TONIGHT girls are so dumb u suck - good luck - you stupid fuck i have a special relationship with your cat copy, copy, copy if i see you do the macarena one more time, i swear it'll be your blood A GIFT - A ROSE - A SYMBOL my attention span can't handle it!!!! when HE put his arms around ME, HE made me feel special ain't that nutty? i know that you are looking for something to fill your void - god can fill it. i'd just like to express my worldwide plea for *someone* to please kick latoya jackson's teeth in! never trust a human being, because human beings are fucking idiots man, i hate people i'm hungry for you, baby rock on my daddy says i'm the best kisser in the whole world! you go squish now Well you *COULDNT* live life with out cool, funny people with good senses of humors could you???? I think not again! i quit, fascist bastard up my butt! strawberry sorbet, baby i've got two turntables and a poophorn iiii .. HATE BOLOGNA! crowd - "ooooh!" do aliens eat people? why do you smell like pee? [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #754 - BY: HOOKER'S GHOST - 7/24/99 ] .