[--------------------------------------------------------------------------] ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #760 `888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8 888 888 888 888 888 "ITIC Review Came Too Late" 888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8 888 888 888 888 888 " by Seaya 888 888 `88b d88' 888 o 7/24/99 o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] I am Mogel: la la la Jalek: i was just about to say hi I am Mogel: i have psychic leahness! Jalek: yay! Jalek: i am in maryland Jalek: home to john waters I am Mogel: ooo, who are you visiting? Jalek: my friend dave Jalek: then i am camping with some burning folk Jalek: and going to a computer hardware junk thingy I am Mogel: isn't burning man at the end of august, or am i wrong? Jalek: it is Jalek: but this is a regional event..low key Jalek: more like a wacked out version of a potluck Jalek: except we camp one night Jalek: la la Jalek: do you know when the ITIC reviews are due? Jalek: summer hasn't sent me anything about it I am Mogel: summer is releasing it tomorrow Jalek: WHAT?#$#$!#$@!$#@! I am Mogel: so i assume it's tonight or something :) Jalek: fuck her stupid ass I am Mogel: haha Jalek: that's no fair I am Mogel: sorry :< Jalek: she never said! Jalek: i hate her now i will rip her to pieces of bloody meat I am Mogel: egad@#!! Jalek: grr Jalek: she probably is publishing the boring swill of anjee and altrocks I am Mogel: i dunno. do you think you could whip up something short tonight? Jalek: NO IM IN MARYLAND I am Mogel: sorry! I am Mogel: don't be mad at me :< Jalek: fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck blood blood blood blood blood blood blood blood blood blood blood I am Mogel: dood Jalek: fuck fuck I am Mogel: want me to write summer and ask her to hold off on the release? Jalek: maybe you can like print this as my review eh? I am Mogel: i assume people will be annoyed 'cause they were nagging her for it Jalek: pikachu on this! I am Mogel: people wanted her to release it last release Jalek: well if they were fucking nagging her she could have fucking given a set deadline in the beginning and stuck to it Jalek: and reported it to NON-twits Jalek: instead of listening to anjee and people like that I am Mogel: i think she told the ITIC list Jalek: well i ain't ON the bloody list I am Mogel: i can't remember, though I am Mogel: doh!! :< Jalek: I had a good time at that convention Jalek: neko called me leet Jalek: that's rad! I am Mogel: you are leet, silly!@! Jalek: 'cept no one seems to know i um fucking gotta write something!!! Jalek: heh Jalek: i am going to copy this and send it in. Jalek: summer will get a kick out of it. Jalek: hold still while I copy and paste. I am Mogel: okay [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #760 - WRITTEN BY: SEAYA - 7/24/99 ] .