[--------------------------------------------------------------------------] ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #779 `888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8 "Reason Number 92347 Why Never To 888 888 888 888 888 Drive A Thousand Miles To Have Sex 888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8 With Someone: You Get To Fight With 888 888 888 888 888 " Them For The Next Two Years" 888 888 `88b d88' 888 o by Phairgirl o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8 8/2/99 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [Captured at one of HOE's free advertisers, Infinity Chat, located for your enjoyment at http://chat.ultracure.com] #2: Gerald D. Tarrant™ (@98cfd767.ipt.aol.com) oh...its phairgirl. how...disappointing. #17: hello, it's me again (@slip129-37-189-186.ia.us.ibm.net) mr. todd... funny, last time i talked to you, you were being perfectly civil to me. why the change of heart? #2: Gerald D. Tarrant™ (@98cfd767.ipt.aol.com) Summer...because i've looked at your homepage since then and realized my first impression was correct, you're a fucking idiot. #17: hello, it's me again (@slip129-37-189-186.ia.us.ibm.net) thank you very much sir for your riveting commentary! it means so very much to me! someday, my dear, DEAR, DEAR FRIEND, you will learn to deal with your past and move on! and be A VERY HAPPY PERSON!#@!#@!#@!#@! HAAAAAAAAAAPY #2: Gerald D. Tarrant™ (@98cfd767.ipt.aol.com) Summer, i'm glad you're having fun copying and pasting with your neato computer, but I just think that pokemon is the perfect thing for a fat unattractive compulsive lying codependant internet addict would latch onto. #17: hello, it's me again (@slip129-37-189-186.ia.us.ibm.net) i love pokemon! it is a japanese cartoon that i have liked for a long time! :) it makes me very happy!#@! and thank you again for your comments!#@! i appreciate them a lot! you make me so happy for caring! it's nice to know you haven't forgotten me! #17: hello, it's me again (@slip129-37-189-186.ia.us.ibm.net) gerald tarrant: you MUST WRITE FOR HOE!#@!#@!#@! #2: Gerald D. Tarrant™ (@98cfd767.ipt.aol.com) Whatever you say summer! Are you still PREGNANT?! #2: Gerald D. Tarrant™ (@98cfd767.ipt.aol.com) your "abortion" must have really messed you up #17: hello, it's me again (@slip129-37-189-186.ia.us.ibm.net) i am amazed at your memory! you must be a very smart boy! i bet you have a college degree and everything! YOU SHOULD BE PRESIDENT!#@!#@! and i can bear your children!#@!#@ the world will smile!#!#@! Private message from #2: Gerald D. Tarrant™ (@98cfd767.ipt.aol.com) what is your fucking problem? I do not have a problem!#@!#@! you started it and I'M TELLING MOM Private message from #2: Gerald D. Tarrant™ (@98cfd767.ipt.aol.com) no really, what's the deal summer, what do you want from me? why do you think i want something from you? i come here all the time!#@! it has nothing to do with you!#@! i don't worry about what happened over 2 years ago, why do you? i am HAPPY!#@! YOU ARE SILLY!#@! Private message from #2: Gerald D. Tarrant™ (@98cfd767.ipt.aol.com) i'm not silly, i'm serious. if you could stop being tigger for half a minute and talk to me i might be able to understand this shit. and what kind of conversation would you like me to carry on, kind sir? THIS IS ME I AM A CRRRRAZY WEEHOO and you are pouting!#@!#@! STOP POUTING OR SOME BIRD WILL COME ALONG AND PECK OFF YOUR LIP!#@!#@! Private message from #2: Gerald D. Tarrant™ (@98cfd767.ipt.aol.com) alright i see, you're fucking worthless as a person and as a personality. you can't even carry on a conversation summer. good fucking luck. Can't whisper User #2 has muted your whispers! #0 Chat Daemon (@localhost) Gerald D. Tarrant (#2) has left the forum. [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #779 - WRITTEN BY: PHAIRGIRL - 8/2/99 ] .