[--------------------------------------------------------------------------] ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #809 `888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8 888 888 888 888 888 "Life Is What You Make It" 888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8 888 888 888 888 888 " by Sue 888 888 `88b d88' 888 o 5/9/99 o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] 'Life is what you make it...' I've heard these six words basically my entire life spoken by my mother. It didn't matter what type of situation it was.. YOU determine how it will turn out. Which I always thought was the biggest bunch of bullshit I had EVER heard! I mean.. c'mon.. you can't always control what happens in your life. Even IF you make the best of every situation.. you can still end up screwed! That was my whole philosophy in high school.. and up until 5 months ago I believed that my life, no matter how hard I tried to make it good, made no difference. Then I met someone that changed my whole outlook on my life.. and actually started to help me to believe that I can do whatever I want and actually be happy. So.. now I'm happy.. and am all for the 'Life is what you make it..' speel. I bet you're wondering what the point of all my rambling is.. right? Well.. you would think that perhaps my mom would be happy about me finally believing what she's told me all these years. *laughs* Now now.. can we EVER make our parents happy? [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #809 - WRITTEN BY: SUE - 9/1/99 ] .