[--------------------------------------------------------------------------] ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #832 `888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8 "A Short Lesson In Applied Calculus 888 888 888 888 888 (or: How I Learned to Stop Hating 888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8 Math and Love the Aluminum Can)" 888 888 888 888 888 " by Ior 888 888 `88b d88' 888 o 9/20/99 o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] when newton and leibniz concurrently discovered/invented calculus, they had little idea of how it would revolutionize industry. today, calculus is used for many things, far beyond the boring textbook examples of 'if a hollow object created by rotating curve y = x^3 - 2x^2 around the x axis is being filled up by water at a rate of blah blah yadda yadda how long will it take for the object to be completely full?' analog electronics engineers use calculus to decide on the proper resistors to use when building that fancy new p8-12389752 gHz computer you're contemplating purchasing. architects might use it to understand the actual space of a room under and arching roof. and professors might use it to bore high school and college students. regardless, we owe some of the most astounding feats of modern engineering to calculus. the best example of this is the typically underappreciated aluminum can. stop for a minute and think about the aluminum can. you probably use at least one a day. it doesn't seem like anything special. however, the virtues of the aluminum can cannot be examined enough. the aluminum can is optimized for several things. let's list those: -- the can is optimized for maximum volume. -- the can is optimized for a minimum of physical space. -- the can is optimized for a minimum of physical weight. -- the can is optimized for maximum integrity. the first two optimizations are actually fairly simple problems to solve for anyone who has had a first year calculus course. the third optimization is possible with aluminum, a space age material made possible only through the use of calculus. it's the last optimization that is truly mindboggling. even just observing a single aluminum can full of a carbonated soda, the implications of this optimization are incredible. the authors lack of knowledge about the amount of carbonation in soft drinks means that the exact amount of pressure exerted outwards on the can is not known. it can easily be assumed to be over 1 atmosphere, if it weren't there would never be a problem with carbonated sodas fizzing over the edge of the can when opened. this optimization is even more spectacular when observing the aluminum can in groups. the groups being referred to here are not just the packs of six cans or the flats of 24. these groups are most easily seen at large warehouse stores such as price-costco. frequently, a single full aluminum can will be supporting easily another 20 or more cans directly on top of it! even the human spine would fracture if a single human were to support 20 other humans vertically. yet there is no doubt that the aluminum can could carry over 50 times its own weight with direct vertical compression. truly, the aluminum can is a marvel of the manufacturing process and is only possible through the great math of calculus. next time you finish a soda or a beer, do not simply throw the can in the recycling. instead, pause to look at the can. to notice its perfect shape, its meticulous design, and its dazzling abilities. only when one has contemplated this thouroughly may the can be discarded. [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #832 - WRITTEN BY: IOR - 9/20/99 ] .