[--------------------------------------------------------------------------] ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #862 `888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8 888 888 888 888 888 "3 Times the Recommended Dose 888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8 of NyQuil" 888 888 888 888 888 " by Six 888 888 `88b d88' 888 o 10/9/99 o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] Yeah baybe.. I have bronchitis it's 10:09 A.M. EST, Sunday, July 15, 1999. I have no idea what I'm going to write about I figure I will just let the lethal combination of cough medicine, Nyquil and Advil run it's course. Mr. TanAdept is supposed to come over and pet Samba, I don't know if he can now because he's late for his flight and wont get to scenic NJ until 3. At 4-ish I have to go to my sister's apartment and have dinner with her, her fiancé, his parents and my parents. My sister is 20.. and bald.. Meow. It might be a good thing that g0ff isn't going to pet Samba. Samba is very shy and mentally unstable and he might run away again if he is exposed to a stranger again. I named Samba after my soccer shoes. I'm a geek girl that plays sports but I still have a fat ass. I just noticed I typed "dose" wrong in the title.. I typed it "does".. Can you believe I graduated secretarial school with typing honors? I'm watching the Woodstock coverage on MTV. I could have gone with my friends Joey and Kevin from high school. I'm kinda glad I decided not too it's the funniest image to me Joey in his khaki shorts and Izod shirt moshing around in the field with the mud-hippies. If I was there I would be a mud hippie. Because I am a gross dirty dirty girl... or something. But instead I have bronchitis, and I am sitting home coughing watching reruns of road rules, and wondering if my cat will run away. I should go upstairs and get my CDs. I was lying on the grass of Sunday morning of last week. If it was 4 years ago I would be in New Hampshire right now. If you steal my sunshine. I suppose since it's the last week in July and it's a Sunday I would be on the beach with my friend Kara and Jewlie waiting for camp to start. Anxiously awaiting my first Mike Johnson sighting of the summer. I had the biggest crush on him like 7th -12th grade. Tall and blonde in Umbros and Sambas playing volleyball on the beach. I never realized it until years later but him and his friends made fun of me kinda bad. Cause I have a big butt. As if I could help that. They'd sing Baby Got Back when I walked by or Aiesha. Mean boys. It's a wonder I'm not an angry un-shaven feminist. I think I need to change my look or something. Normal is boring. Ooof some kinda medicine just kicked in I wish this headache would go away. Maybe I should eat. It's 10:32 A.M. I'm sad that Mr. TanAdept can't come pet my kitties. L-A-T-E-R that week. I'm going to listen to this song over and over till I learn the words.. Does he like butter-tarts? What? [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #862 - WRITTEN BY: SIX - 10/9/99 ] .