(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) (*) (*) * (*)~*~(*) HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #896 * 0 0 ~ 0 * ~ 0 0 ~* *~ 0 hOGS ~ "Really Bad HOE Article" ( 0*~*~*0 ( ) 0*~*~ oF ) ~ 0 0 ~ ~ 0 eNTROPY ~ by Metalchic * 0 0 * * 0 * 11-7-99 (*) (*) ~ (*)~*~(*) (~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) okay so the story starts with me walking up the street and i see this big red penicil laying on the corner of the street almost falling in the gutter so i kind of feel bad and pick it up as i picked it up it turned into a really funny frog this frog turned out to be my best friend and everytime i would do something for him he would grant me a wish at first it was little things like make him balonga because everyone knows frogs like balonga DONT THEY!!!!!! then one time he asked me to go in ms. campers draw and steal all her underpants then walk around the city with all of them on my head and make funny noises and i did he said what do you want for your wish so i really wanted a peanut butter and jelly sandwich so thats what i wished for i thought to myself that i should have wished for something more important but to bad i'm fucking hungry so anyway one time he told me to throw paper at people walking down the street for his amusement so i did and he didn't grant me a wish then i was like... what the fuck you dumb ass fucking frog fuck you broken piece of shit so i kirbed the fucking ugly green thing and he was in squished up little gutty pieceses all over the road then i smiled and got a baloon and a lolly pop and everything was allright. (~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) ( *(c) hOGS oF eNTROPY pRESS* HOE #896 ~ WRITTEN BY: METALCHIC ~ 11/7/99 ) .