,... $$$$ $$$$T""P$$$ba, ,gd&P""T&bg. ,gd&P""T&bg. ggggggggggg $$$$ $$$$$b d$$$$ $$$$b d$$$$ $$$$$b ggggggggggg """"""""""" $$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$bxxP&$$&P """"""""""" $$$$ $$$$$$ T$$$$ $$$$P T$$$$ $$$"""""" " """" $$$$$$ "T&$bxxd$&P" "T&$bxx$$$$$' " """"""$$$ """ """""" """ ggg "Las Vegas" ggg $$$ by -> Unrelated $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ (* HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #915 -- 11/30/99 *) .,$$$ `"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""' LAS VEGAS: ICKKY ICKKY CORPORATE GREED SCUM BAD ICKY ICKY DON'T GO DEATH DRUGS BAD ICKY CRIME CRYSTAL METH ICKY BAS DEATH HURT JAIL RICH STUCK U ICKY BAD CASINOS BAD DENNY'S RUDE BAD MCDONALD'S RUDE SCAM ARTISTS BAD ICKY RICH BAD DON'T GO DEATH ICKY BAD BAD FAGS HAND JOBS MONEY BAD DEATH BAD ICKY HOT DRY CRACKED LIPS BAD HOT COLD BAD ICKY ICKY ICKY BAD DON'T GO RICH PISSED ANGRY GREEDY BAD BAD ICKY DEATH METH BAD BAD . . . . . . . . . p.s. I was sitting with next to this guy at the Crown Royle Casino with the Denny's attached to it. Now, i forget this guys name but I tell him how I'm traveling across the country by thumb, and how i got trapped in Vegas. He says, "I'm worth three-million dollars, and I've got $600 dollars in in my wallet. I'm not giving you a cent." Then he got up and walked out the door. . . . . . . p.s.s. I hit this guy up for change outside of Harrah's casino for some change. He says, "You know what, I lost my wallet yesterday, it had six-thousand dollars in it. Now I'm stuck here, if you meet me here tomorrow I'll hook you up. Right now I have to stay under the stairs in the parking ramp because they wouldn't extend my room because I paid in cash, and it sux, because my socks are all sweaty and icky." So I gave him a pair of socks. the next day , he didn't show up. . . . . . I get kicked out of Crown Royle Casino because i"m broke . I get kicked out of Denny's because I sat there to long. What happened to free refills? . I meet a couple who says they'd give me ride out of town. didn't happen. . I get hit up by an Asian guy. sex for $ . I get hit up by a 50 year old black man. hand job for $ . man gets jealous of his g/f, walks into casino and shoots her 6 times . girl I meet, hooked on crystal meth, parents on crystal meth, father tells me if I hurt his little girl he will hunt me down and kill me, then starts laughing. . cop wakes me up and tells me I can't sleep on the bus stop bench . guy I meet frop portland lets me crash in his hotel room. goes downtown to find speed. needs a needle, gets ripped off . security guard calls me a fag . kid I'm walking with gets drive-by egged . me, kid, and nedle head hang out in abandoned plane. cops show up. they ditch pot. we climb down. find mushrooms in hippy kids back back. asked him what it was, kids says he doesn't know. they put it back and let him go. female cop asks me what all the nylon rope is for, i say bondage, she tried not to smile. cops let us go. . guy kicks me down $50, buy a bus ticket and left . enter Santa Barbara . . . . . LAS VEGAS ICKKY ICKKY CORPORATE GREED SCUM BAD ICKY ICKY DON'T GO DEATH DRUGS BAD ICKY CRIME CRYSTAL METH ICKY BAD DEATH HURT JAIL RICH STUCK UP ICKY BAD CASINOS BAD DENNY'S RUDE BAD MCDONALD'S RUDE SCAM ARTISTS BAD ICKY RICH BAD DON'T GO DEATH ICKY BAD BAD FAGS HAND JOBS MONEY BAD DEATH BAD ICKY HOT DRY CRACKED LIPS BAD HOT COLD BAD ICKY ICKY ICKY BAD DON'T GO RICH PISSED ANGRY GREEDY BAD BAD ICKY DEATH METH BAD BAD [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #915 - WRITTEN BY UNRELATED - 11/29/99 ] .