,... $$$$ $$$$T""P$$$ba, ,gd&P""T&bg. ,gd&P""T&bg. ggggggggggg $$$$ $$$$$b d$$$$ $$$$b d$$$$ $$$$$b ggggggggggg """"""""""" $$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$bxxP&$$&P """"""""""" $$$$ $$$$$$ T$$$$ $$$$P T$$$$ $$$"""""" " """" $$$$$$ "T&$bxxd$&P" "T&$bxx$$$$$' " """"""$$$ """ """""" """ ggg "Two Large Mochas and a Slice of Tiramisu" ggg $$$ by -> Meeyoww $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ (* HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #917 -- 11/30/99 *) .,$$$ `"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""' (Note: This is the resulting product of two hours spent unwillingly consuming mass amounts of sugar and caffeine in a local coffee house. My pen started moving, and didn't stop until the coffee was gone, and the plate was clean again.) So now I've got a lofty title for an entity not yet completed, considering that I'm just beginning it here... and now I've gone and committed myself to lofty purpose having called a non-living thing an ENTITY! Damn...I need some kind of inspiration..something to provide my thirsty soul with enlightenment..looking all around..peering, staring, eyes wandering for inspiration. I've spotted a plant, a few worn out comfy chairs and WAIT! Hold the phone, ma..I've found inspiration after all! I smell coffee..coffee everywhere! It dances and wafts through the air stopping only to tickle my nose...tickle my Elmo... makes my mouth want to DROOL (drip drip..where is my salivation salvation?) like a d-o-g. I'm not one of those of course-but am I not elementally similar? Fido's a carbon-based entity ...I'm a carbon-based entity. Hey! We've got something in common! NO!! Can't you see? I'm an *individual*...unique, independent, dissimilar. I'm not like you or Fido or ANYTHING...or maybe I am. So much for that...I go in circles ...round and round..traveling my own mental I-440 complete with pot-holes and speed traps and bad driving- proving and disproving and proving again the things that I thought I thought I knew, but I know not. ...So I'm going now, my time here is over...I'm off to deride pop culture delusions and believe my own disillusions as I ride off into the sunset on my silver pig. Here I come. There I go. The wild blue yonder doesn't look wild or blue or much like a yonder at all...from where I sit. Everything looks gray and purple like a bruised cheek on a boxer. Damaged goods and damaged people... our imperfections clash like a poorly drawn weather map. My front here, your front there...our fronts overlap and you frighten my silver piggy. *No one* frightens my piggy and lives to...wait a minute. No one scares my piggy because he's not really a pig at all. In fact, he's quite a non-mammal, and basically an asexual entity(ENTITY!)I guess miracles do happen after all, whip. Get your boat out of my driveway. I won't allow it on my highway. It's a rainy day in Sunnyville, my friend - flies vomit all the time before they eat, you know...and you can't catch many flies with vinegar. So call me Vinegar and call it a day. Psst...isn't it ironic how people will talk about other people as SOON as they're out of earshot? I think Vinegar needs more caffeine now. Bye. (Hold on a minute..when was the last time that you saw something printed ending in BYE?) So technically, of course...always the technicality, it can't end here...it can only just begin or beg or be, since begi isn't a word. Sweet tea cures all ills and summertime woes. Cappacino steam fills my cavities (all but two, and you can thank the deity of your choice *here*)while my mind floats down the sugar cane river ...and my imaginary piggy -let's call him Beep!-sits at my feet doing his famous chameleon routine. Today, he's an executive, he tells me (he's asexual, so I suppose he's more of an IT than a he..) and it (he..hahah!)smokes a cigar and says "blahblahoinkblahblah" in a louder than normal voice, and it begins to do the rrrrrrrrrrrhumba! Sa-cha-cha-cha! He, er...it dances across the icy tiles of the floor dropping teeny-weenie (it hates it when I talk about weenies)flecks of silver on the ground..and it whirls and it twirls...a porcine dervish...disrupting all cellular communication as it spins faster and FASTER into a large (HUGE) atmospheric disturbance...where it (HE! haha!) clashes with your front and my front... and we all begin again (but next time, I'll let you pick out the colors). Beep beep! Kinda makes you think.. [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #917 - WRITTEN BY: MEEYOWW - 11/30/99 ] .