,... $$$$ $$$$T""P$$$ba, ,gd&P""T&bg. ,gd&P""T&bg. ggggggggggg $$$$ $$$$$b d$$$$ $$$$b d$$$$ $$$$$b ggggggggggg """"""""""" $$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$bxxP&$$&P """"""""""" $$$$ $$$$$$ T$$$$ $$$$P T$$$$ $$$"""""" " """" $$$$$$ "T&$bxxd$&P" "T&$bxx$$$$$' " """"""$$$ """ """""" """ ggg "Headache Induced Thoughts" ggg $$$ by -> LatinMan $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ (* HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #918 -- 11/30/99 *) .,$$$ `"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""' I'm sitting here, wanting to somehow contribute to this great thing called HOE, and yet I can't get a thing out. I've got a splitting headache, my ass is hurting from sitting all day long and I honestly don't feel all that fresh. Ever notice how everything goes wrong when you're trying to make a good impression? Right now I want to start things off on a good foot, want to make sure you know that I'm an ok writer and show you that I may be HOE material. Is any of that coming out? HELL NO. Just getting a string of babbling going with little or no meaning. Should just give up on this email and go back to playing a MUDD or maybe relax to some more shitty music. Would go on IRC but stupid ass professor is using the IBM side of the computer lab so I'm stuck on some vomit colored Mac. Did you ever notice how the most annoying things get capitol letters? Like AOL, MUDD, IBM, IRC, LOL, it seems to just come natural to us to capitalize shit whenever it is possible. Great here goes my headache coming again, its like waves of lameness washing over my body. This Micheal Jackson cd blasting in my ears probably isn't helping either. But it's all I have right, just gotta deal. Oooo, got an email from some dumb ass in my class just now. I'm sick and tired of those damn people sending me stupid ass surveys and what urks me more is when they quote EVERYTHING I just sent them. As if I don't remember what I wrote just now. Well I guess I just fucked up my chance at getting on HOE, bleh just going to take a bottle of aspirin and try to figure out why people suck so much. [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #918 - WRITTEN BY: LATINMAN - 11/30/99 ] .