,... $$$$ $$$$T""P$$$ba, ,gd&P""T&bg. ,gd&P""T&bg. ggggggggggg $$$$ $$$$$b d$$$$ $$$$b d$$$$ $$$$$b ggggggggggg """"""""""" $$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$bxxP&$$&P """"""""""" $$$$ $$$$$$ T$$$$ $$$$P T$$$$ $$$"""""" " """" $$$$$$ "T&$bxxd$&P" "T&$bxx$$$$$' " """"""$$$ """ """""" """ ggg "Freudian Epiphany" ggg $$$ by -> Meenk E. Boodle $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ [ HOE E-Zine #930 -- 12/01/99 -- http://www.hoe.nu ] .,$$$ `"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""' 12:15AM, Saturday morning. Albertson's is on the left. We stop and run inside, hurrying to satisfy our needs, he runs to the restroom, and I, to the ATM. Taking advantage of the fact that this ATM allows me to withdraw in multiples of ten, rather than twenty, I take out fifty dollars. I wander in the general direction of the restroom, to seek out my boy, and find that I too am feeling the need to micturate. Neither of us want to use the facilities at our destination. I wonder out loud if I should get change, and my boy suggests buying a few Airhead candies. At the register, I ask the woman to give me the change for my twenty dollars in singles and she does so more than willingly, explaining that it means she wont have to count them when she gets off work. She counts them twice, once as she takes them out of the register, and once as she places them in my hand. 12:20AM, still Saturday morning. We walk up to the door, weaving through the group of Mexican men standing outside. The doorman checks our IDs and writes "2X" on our hands. The woman at the inner door relieves me of forty dollars, five of which belonged to my boyfriend. With our combined twenty dollars in singles, we passed through the curtain into the main room. At the front of the room a curvaceous but homely girl is lying on her back, legs spread, holding her feet far apart while the men around ogle her most private parts. A second smaller stage is near the rear of the room showcasing a girl who looks strikingly like pre-movie star Courtney Love. Maybe they hired her before she was on smack. We take a table near the front, but not beside the stage. The chairs are soft and comfortable, like the kind you would find in your grandmother's living room, except they are on wheels. A waitress comes and asks us if we would like anything, and we decline. We are only there to study the effects of T&A. The emcee asks for a round of applause for the girl on the front stage and says she will go back to stage two, then announces the next girl. She was also very homely, so I spent my time watching the other patrons around me. A handful of girls in tiny minidresses and see-through lingere emerged from a door next to the emcee booth. Every one of them was a hardbody, obviously professional dancers. They wandered around the club and sat on laps, flashed their tits, and scammed money from the men. Finally, the ugly girl on stage was whisked to the rear stage and a long lean vixen named Alexis came out on the stage. The men at the rear of the club moved forward and began competing for her attention, lining dollar bills up along the edge of the stage. Alexis would move back and forth, wiggling her bare ass towards the man with the most until one finally came out on top. She would then dance up to him and thrust her pussy inches from his face for a minute or two, then move to the other, taking his money as well. I grow bored of this as I already know what the girl's fallopian tubes look like, so I begin to watch the other patrons again. It is then that I notice the most amazing thing. So amazing, in fact, that I don't even recall who the next two dancers were. I specifically watch the men (I am the only female in the club that hasn't been collecting dollar bills) on the opposite side of the stage, as I can see their faces the best. When they are sitting back watching the girls dance, they are lecherous looking. Licking their lips, grinning like they are going to get some, and nodding their head, like the women on the stage are impressed by them, they undergo a dramatic change when they are at the edge of the stage offering up their dollar bills for a closer look at the woman's vagina. Every man that approaches the stage does so looking cocky, but when the object of their obsession is a mere three inches from their face, they look very humble, as if staring into the face of God. I am amused at first, but before the dancer changes, I am pondering this discovery certain there is deeper meaning. To a man, the vagina is the one thing he can never truly possess. He can put his penis in them, look at them, have his penis lopped off and made into a fake one, and even slide completely through one, once, but he will never know the magic of a vagina as part of his being. These men, as they fork over hard earned dollars become awe-struck for a few moments, and fall victim to what I call "The Pussy Stare". The stare is characterized by a blank expression much like that of someone concentrating deeply on something, or gazing upon something amazing. Out of curiosity, I decide to spend some of my dollar bills on the next dancer. I really want to know if these girls are doing something truly amazing to elicit such a reaction. The next girl to come out is named Violet and I am happy. She is one of the two girls I have been waiting to see all night. She is very petite, small breasts with 12gauge rings through the nipples, black hair like mine, and "Superstar" tattooed across her back. My boy and I move to the other side of the stage, to a table right on the edge, and I lay three dollars on the stage. Violet works her way around the stage provoking three men to The Pussy Stare. She glances at me and I notice she has the most amazing cyan eyes. I begin to wonder how these men can be riveted on her vagina when those eyes are burning into them. Violet comes to me, dancing seductively, her shaved mound in my face. I make it a point to look at her eyes, but she keeps looking down at her snatch, silently telling me to look too. I do. I expect for a moment to see something incredible, but it is just a vagina. A nice one, but a vagina just the same. I look back up at her and she smiles. She has clear braces. She scoops up the money and wanders away. The emcee announces that everyone with alcohol was now supposed to bring it outside, as the club is BYOB. I don't drink so I have time to approach Violet, now sitting on the second stage. My boy finds out they have mutual acquaintances, and I compliment her tattoos. We converse for a few minutes. She is still stark nude. I want her. We take our seats at the first stage and the show resumes. A tiny girl called Angel comes out on the stage. She is the other girl I was hoping to see. She strips off her tiny orange dress and reveals an amazing body. I expected as much. My boy lays a few dollars on the stage and she comes over, waves her vagina in our faces, and as she scoops up the money says, "Thank you," in a tiny girlish voice. We stand up, getting ready to go home, and I go back to Violet, leaving a few dollars on the stage and waving before walking out. On the way home we are silent for a number of minutes. I am thinking about Violet's eyes, man's relentless quest for the vagina, and motherhood. Ten minutes earlier I was horny, now I am thinking about how amazing sex really is. My boy, seeming to be deep in thought, suddenly says, "Angel is so small." Twenty minutes later, we are home. He is lying in bed, I an kneeling next to him giving him a blowjob, and all thoughts of how many potential humans I was swallowing was nowhere in my mind. [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #930 - WRITTEN BY: MEENK - 12/02/99 ] .