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Phil is being an asshole -> *swisspope* c'mon motherfucker unban me *** #ezines can't join channel (you're banned!) *** swisspope is ~foo@titanic.theatrium.net (floof) *** on channels: #start.no *** on irc via server irc.concentric.net (Concentric Network Corporation) *** #ezines can't join channel (you're banned!) -> *swisspope* your such a bastard, unban my shit you pathetic little man -> *swisspope* I guess this is considered flooding too, huh? You dried up little cow testicle you -> *swisspope* hey, you weren't even typing anything and you think I'm flooding, your such a bitch -> *swisspope* Really I have nothing better to do, realize this, I could go on for a while -> *swisspope* but I guess your prepared for that kind of thing -> *swisspope* being someone who spends most of his time judging people in an irc chat room -> *swisspope* you've got to be prepared to accept the wrath of innocent by standards who know nothing of computers but can easily be bullied by large corporate dicksnots like yourself -> *swisspope* it must be fun and relaxing to just sit there all day, huh? -> *swisspope* I bet your all fat and shit -> *swisspope* Maybe I should do this Nybar style and pretend I have rhythm and style and start rapping -> *swisspope* Jump up on this bitch with a mic in hand, no doubt in everyones eyes that I'm truly the man -> *swisspope* Or maybe I'll pretend to be an angsty teen who takes it upon themselves to judge another's t-file unfairly -> *swisspope* A whole lot of judging goin on! -> *swisspope* Sometimes I wonder if you heard a word I said, funny thing is in real life that I'd bust yo head -> *swisspope* word to the mothafuckin, uh, uncontested nigga of the year, swissdick! -> *swisspope* actually I think your all the same people, You, AIDS, Nybar... you all pretty much talk the same -> *swisspope* And you all treat people like shit and get away with it -> *swisspope* mostly because your behind a computer, and you know what your doing with it -> *swisspope* Now what I thought was really funny was when bos took over the channel as his own and none of you could touch him -> *swisspope* he actually asked me to help him take it back, and I said no, because I didn't want to look bad in you peoplez eyes -> *swisspope* We all have regrets that -> *swisspope* haunt us for the rest of our lives -> *swisspope* I'm pretty sure your mom has a big one. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA -> *swisspope* Really that wasn't even funny, so I don't blame you for not laughing -> *swisspope* This is all pretty immature really, not even my style to verbally assault someone as pathetic and worthless such as yourself, but I think its all pretty fun -> *swisspope* are you having fun swissnuts? -> *swisspope* I hope so, otherwise this is all in vein. or vain. -> *swisspope* You know what I did today? I slept till like 11 o clock. I must have been tired -> *swisspope* I'd go back to bed, but I'm not even the tiniest bit sleepy, but I am in the mood to type -> *swisspope* but you know that, because you banned me for typing. -> *swisspope* but now I can type to you! all night! yay! -> *swisspope* how do you feel about that, swisscheese? -> *swisspope* wow, your being awfully quiet -> *swisspope* I know a lot of assholes, and most of them are loud, but you must be an exception -> *swisspope* take AIDS for example! Now that fuck is LOUD! I bet when he gets drunk he must set the roof on fire up in that bitch -> *swisspope* but your quiet. I guess your the type who sits in the back of the club and wishes he wasn't so pale and scrawny -> *swisspope* No wait, your fat, I remember -> *swisspope* hahahaha -> *swisspope* hahaha -> *swisspope* tee hee -> *swisspope* ok, I'm done laughing, now lets get serious. -> *swisspope* What happened here today? I was typing out my feelings and emotions in the ezines channel, while nobody was saying anything, and suddenly there was a net split and when everyone comes back, *I* get banned -> *swisspope* c'mon cheesenuts, does that seem fair to you? -> *swisspope* but what would you know about fair, really, there is no justice over this mesh of wires and chips -> *swisspope* So you can continue to be an asshole all you want and I'll continue to sit and whine about how much of an asshole you are and nothing will ever get done -> *swisspope* but we'll have fun doin it! -> *swisspope* Do you like Chemical Brothers, swissnuts? Can I call you swissnuts? -> *swisspope* I'm downloading some of their mp3z right now as I rant to you -> *swisspope* so if I don't insult you for a few minutes, its because I'm busy -> *swisspope* hope you don't mind -> *swisspope* You know what? I'm going to refer you to one of my t-filez and then leave you in peace swissnuts. -> *swisspope* it's called "A testament of attitude". You should read it. Let it become your bible, my son. Live by it. -> *swisspope* For now, swissnuts, I shall depart. I truly hope we can speak again someday. Well, not really. What I really hope is that you die in a tragic freak toaster accident, but we all don't get what we want now do we!?? -> *swisspope* live short in disaster [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #943, BY BIG DADDY BILL - 12/08/99 ] .