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For example, public restrooms rarely have showers, unless you're at a place with either a pool or in a college dorm or gym setting. Even less, if any, have bathtubs. If you are shy, it's likely that using the stalls are a better source to provide privacy. Especially if you are straight and do not want any homosexuals carefully examining your penis. If you use the urinals, there's a good chance you are a homosexual. If you are a homosexual, don't be afraid to use the stall as well, although please keep in mind there will be less opportunity for you to carefully examine the penises of a heterosexual men, and you will have to settle for only examining the penis of your fellow homosexuals. If you are a heterosexual man and you are in a situation (god forbid) where you must use a urinal, here is a good rule of thumb... imagine a situation with 5 stalls. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] If there is one man in stall #1, #2, or #3 -- always use stall #5. This will give the homosexual man less opportunity to carefully examine your penis. It is best to always have at least one empty stall to both sides of you. If you are in a situation where both stalls #2 and #4 *or* a situation where stalls #1, #3, and #5 are occupied... you must wait until one of the men is done. This is, of course, because you would not want any of these homosexual men to draw skematically accurate diagrams of the veins of your erect penis. 2. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Some people say that homosexuality is 'wrong'. This is a pretty narrow-minded opinion, however. What someone chooses to do with their sexuality is entirely up to them and homosexuals can live an equally healthy lifestyle as us clean and morally conscious heterosexuals. This being said, the cause of homosexuality is usually due to an pussy faggot-ass father who probably wears pink dresses and cries during movies. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but c'mon guys... it's just a movie. 3. "Where's my dinner, bitch?" Please do not hurt me. I am sorry that I do not have your dinner. I have been working very hard and taking care of the kids and little Joey broke his arm and I had to take him to the hospital. I wanted to make you dinner... I even imagined several possible meals based on the contents in our fridgerator... all thanks to your tremendously large salary which entirely supports our family. I thank you for being there for me. You've always been there for me. This time I royally screwed up. I will try as hard as I possibly can to never let you go without dinner in the future. Once again, please accept my sincere apologies. 4. "Could ya please spare a little change so I can eat?" I would spare you some change, but I'm not entirely sure how much the Taxi I am about to take is going to cost. Now, I do have ten one-dollar bills here with me, and normally it costs about six dollars for me to get home from here. Unfortunately, it's hard to tell because sometimes I will find myself in the midst of traffic and that can bring up my bill to eight dollars. I often give the cabbie a two dollar tip, in addition, because, hey... he's gotta make a living. It's hard out there. In addition, it's clear there are a number of homeless programs out there designed to help you out... in addition to shelters, job training programs, and food out-reaches. I think it's pretty clear that you have failed at attempting a normal life, and for whatever twisted reason you obviously enjoy being homeless, you sick fuck. I'd hate to give you any money because it's more than likely you'll waste it on alcohol or something clearly productive like smoking crack. Although, maybe it's not such a waste, since I'd probably do anything I possibly could to forget that my life is so utterly worthless, too. Sorry, no change. 5. "Do I look fat in this?" You do not look fat in this. I mean, women naturally have a little bit more weight on them as compared to men, and that's a perfectly normal thing. Why are you asking me for my opinion anyway? Are you worried that I will dump you if you DO look to fat in this? Are you worried that a world of potential admirers will have less respect for you simply because of your weight? Why are you so interested in what other people think, anyway? Ah, yes, this is Socratic method. I am answering your question with a question. Perhaps your have a negative self-image. Granted, 98% of the women in the world do, for a variety of reasons. Here in America, women are bombarded with literally thousands and thousands of subtle (and not-so-subtle) messages through the media, telling them exactly what level of weight should be considered attractive. It's quite likely that you haven't really evaluated this set of superficial, social norms--and if so, it's pretty clear that you, as a woman, have been pathetically suckered into fulfilling the desired image from some snotty-nosed corporate executive's idea of what should give him a boner. In conclusion, fuck you. 6. "Why can't I pee and poop at the same time?" There are some mysteries that modern science has still yet to solve. Some research has been done on this question, but the only yielding results thus far have been: - Your shit stinks. - It stings when you pee in someone's eyeball. - If you are taking a shower with a fellow scientific researcher, it's a real hoot to pee on their leg. 7. "What?" I humbly and respectfully requested that you shut your fucking trap, you STUPID PIECE OF SHIT. Just kidding. Really, I was making a simple inquiry as to why you were miraculously not dead yet, since I could imagine you doing something to end your life fairly easily because you're such a STUPID PIECE OF SHIT. I'm just teasin'! Actually, there was a very good reason I muffled my voice in a way that you couldn't hear what I said. 8. "Have you beaten this joke to death yet?" Yes, much like 95% of Saturday Night Live skits, I have taken one remotely silly idea and repeated it over and over again until there is no semblance of humor in it. This FAQ was not in any way informative, and I have failed my duties as a text file author. It may be time to close down the newsgroup until something useful can come out of this mess I have created. Then again, perhaps I should stop beating myself up over this affair and keep my chin up. There will be other t-files, there will be other days. I love me for me! [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #953, BY MOGEL - 12/14/99 ] .