,... $$$$ $$$$T""P$$$ba, ,gd&P""T&bg. ,gd&P""T&bg. ggggggggggg $$$$ $$$$$b d$$$$ $$$$b d$$$$ $$$$$b ggggggggggg """"""""""" $$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$bxxP&$$&P """"""""""" $$$$ $$$$$$ T$$$$ $$$$P T$$$$ $$$"""""" " """" $$$$$$ "T&$bxxd$&P" "T&$bxx$$$$$' " """"""$$$ """ """""" """ ggg "Beans and Franks" ggg $$$ by -> Cannibal Butterfly $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ [ HOE E-Zine #970 -- 12/16/99 -- http://www.hoe.nu ] .,$$$ `"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""' I wish I wasn't part of the human race. Looking him in the eyes, not seeing his face. Have you ever wanted something so much you could taste it? Four drops of me and two pinches of you. We can make our own recipe of generations. Standing behind someone and beginning to become them. Get a grip on who I really am. Is this something I'm supposed to want? 'Help me, I think I'm falling in love too soon.' This is my secret, so hold on tight.... Extended on the floor while reaching to drive my finger nails into the earth. I wish I could fly away and never see your faces again. I want to be me. I want to be free. My mind crumbles and I'm all of the sudden dancing in the seas. I pushed and pulled, ebbed and flowed. This cant be me. I'm never that free. I was a mirthful child, running with the wild. The clocked struck one and ended the fun. My body splattered and erupted into the clouds. I was suddenly a shooting star, roaming the universe, while people stared from afar. I fired up my engine and began to explode. Flickering across the sky, kissing the moon goodbye. "Twinkle, Twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are." A baby is born without breath and the universe freezes for a split second. Am I the only one who sees something wrong with that? I pray to God, I'm not the first star tonight. Born still and blue, I cant save them so please don't ask. If only any of that was true. For the only time in my life, I am going to do something right. Twitching stomach. Gripping my future tighter. This first and last cut is dedicated to everyone who predicted my destiny. Sorry about the bloody mess, Mom. Love, Christina Counting down the days of my resurrection. I AM YOUR MESSIAH. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE FRANK AND BEANS, BEEYATCHES. [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #970, CANNIBAL BUTTERFLY - 12/16/99 ] .