,... $$$$ $$$$T""P$$$ba, ,gd&P""T&bg. ,gd&P""T&bg. ggggggggggg $$$$ $$$$$b d$$$$ $$$$b d$$$$ $$$$$b ggggggggggg """"""""""" $$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$bxxP&$$&P """"""""""" $$$$ $$$$$$ T$$$$ $$$$P T$$$$ $$$"""""" " """" $$$$$$ "T&$bxxd$&P" "T&$bxx$$$$$' " """"""$$$ """ """""" """ ggg "A Different Kind of Man" ggg $$$ by -> Anodyne $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ [ HOE E-Zine #985 -- 12/23/99 -- http://www.hoe.nu ] .,$$$ `"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""' "...This is completely spontaneous. This is a new style. This is comin' straight out of my keyboard and touchin' you deep. You'll be laughing after the first sentence and crying after the second, and I'll take it from there. The sermon on the mount. I'm the Dr. Jones of text, findin' the Grail and pasting it in fully preserved. This is the zenith; stop looking in Florida, Ponce, you can live forever here and, hell with it, all your little bearers are invited too. It sure ain't all serious though. How much of that is true? I should put more gems in and save the liquid silver for garnish. I could go for some chips right now. Inspired or insipid, it doesn't matter since they'll bite the worm anyway because they're always ravenous. Everybody's little voice inside whispers of mysteries never encountered. They could be around the next corner or behind the wall. But they can't find it here unless I make these words a mirror, because that's where they'll find it all. They'll find it all inside and outside and within and through and over and under, and that's the only place it can be found. In the yellowed tooth and ill-healed wound and the smiley-face sticker on an A+ paper, they'll find everything. They won't even look hard because the more they look the less they'll see because they'll be looking too hard. It'll be tough to comprehend. Sure, it might hurt at first but then happiness will tuck you in tonight and every night. Don't listen to your father. / \ m o r n i n g w | | o o d (| |) that sure wasn't literary but it happens to many of us, and that makes it worthwhile. The textbook says to speak to the human condition, and that's what I'll do. They'll have to do half the work. I can only do so much because I'm tired and after all I already wrote today, so it won't be good unless you read in the quality. It doesn't have to be good, though. No pressure. Dark and light and good and evil may be the two sides of the coin, but who wants coins when you can have crisp bills and the blackjack table at Monte Carlo. Scarne says to watch out for cheats and I trust him. Scene: Christmas morning, 1987. Child walks down stairs. IT'S DISCO SANTA! Complete with chest hair and polyester, that jolly old elf dances up the chimney with the best of 'em. Sounds groovy, baby. How long can this shit keep flowing? C'mon, ride it out with me pardner, only twelve more miles till Mexico and that's really where we're all headed. Tijuana doesn't seem like much until you've slept face first in ethanol-drenched sawdust on a saloon floor, trust me. That's the kind of local color you need to appreciate such a distinguished destination. You say it's incoherent and I say it drips from my tongue like caramel. Agreement is what we need right now. Lets oust this dictator Death and make Life lead the junta. There is no dearth of honesty among thieves and liars, they're only missing some spark of spirit. I think the spark could have been found in it the bottle of Sprite that you had last Tuesday. It was refreshingly citrus but you didn't notice because you guzzled it. That's what the thief does. He takes life and just sucks it down and asks for more and more and he never looks at what's in his hands before it's hawked and up in smoke again. There is such a thing as too much but you can't know when to stop or start, it's intuition or nothing from here on in and like madmen we tumble ahead. I can feel your furnace. One finger inside, then another. You shudder. My tongue darts toward the shrine... Fuck that, it's fucking. Eat that bitch out. Better yet, make her suck it. What kind of man are you, anyway? A different kind of man. I want to be a different kind of man. Every day I'm a different kind of man. Stop fooling around and write, damnit. This is more completely spontaneous. This is a newer style..." -- the author preparing to write a text file [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #985, BY ANODYNE - 12/23/99 ] .