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The stalker will do anything to get the attention of his or her prey, to such extremes as cutting off a piece of their body (i.e. an ear lobe or finger), and sending it to the person they obsess over, believing they'll take it as flattery. In most cases, the person who receives the dismembered part isn't all that flattered. In fact, they're usually traumatized for a good number of weeks, if not months. Take, for example, the female bubble gum singers of the 1960s. On the surface they seem playful and harmless, but beneath this shiny veneer lies a dark, horrifying truth. A good number of these women were most likely totally obsessed over whoever they were writing about. Take these lyrics for example, from the song "I Will Follow Him", by Little Peggy March: "I will follow him, follow him wherever he may go There isn't an ocean too deep A mountain so high it can keep me away I must follow him, ever since he touched my hand I knew That near him I always must be And nothing can keep him from me He is my destiny" So you picture this girl who's up late at night writing in her diary about the dreamy guy she's just met. But check this out: "I love him, I love him, I love him And where he goes I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow He'll always be my true love, my true love, my true love >From now until forever, forever, forever" That's the part of the song where she's just about shrieking her love for "him", where all these crazy violins are playing, much like the famous track in the 1960s thriller "Psycho". This is most likely when had slipped into a demented love trance and just began scrawling aimlessly all over the page. Plus the song makes her seem like a bionic automaton with this one guy as its target, like the Terminator, walking slowly but steadily over mountains and through oceans (like Skinner in that episode where Bart skips school), just to be near this guy. So, if you're ever caught in the situation where a girl or guy is sending you notes or singing messages on your answering machine that sound like, "There isn't an ocean too deep/A mountain so high it can keep, keep me away/Away from my love", a restraining order will hopefully do the trick. Next on the list is "Which Way You Goin', Billy?", by the Poppy Family. This is a good example of the persistent, yet not-so-dangerous stalker. Even though this song was released in 1970, it still has the 60s Stalker feel to it. "Which way you goin' Billy? Can I go too? Which way you goin' Billy? Can I go with you? I really love you, Billy And all this time I thought you loved me, Billy And you were mine I'm gonna miss you, Billy And though I'm trying I'm hurting so bad, Billy I can't help crying Whoever it was who wrote these lyrics seems pretty heartbroken, yes, but she could hold back on saying "Billy" every second line. I think "Billy" got the point the first time he was asked which way he's goin'. A crisp, clean smack across the face will usually save you from this kind of situation. Next is quite the dangerous stalker. "One Fine Day", performed by the Chiffons and written by Carole King, shows that these chicks will go to the extreme to get their men. "One fine day, you'll look at me And you will know our love was, meant to be One fine day, you're gonna want me for your girl The arms I long for, will open wide And you'll be proud to have me, right by your side One fine day, you're gonna want me for your girl Though I know you're the kind of boy Who only wants to run around I'll keep waiting, and, someday darling You'll come to me when you want to settle down, Oh! One fine day, we'll meet once more And then you'll want the love you threw away before One fine day, you're gonna want me for your girl" Chicks like this don't get the picture the first time they're dumped, and resort to taking desperate measures, like brainwashing the poor lad into loving her and such. This is the type of girl who leaves messages on his answering machine by the hundreds, sends him gifts, sends him Valentines all year round, and eventually bumps into him on the street with his new girlfriend and beats them both to death with her handbag. Where are these singers today? Dead, in jail for violating restraining orders, or living happily with her stalkee in the dungeon-like basement of her parents' house with the guy chained up to the wall, being fed baked beans and water once a day. Don't be fooled, though, these weren't the only singers who were of the persistent kind. They were everywhere back then, and has resulted in probably a good portion of the insanity we see today. It's no wonder Neil Sedaka found that breaking up is hard to do. [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #992, BY ANONGIRL - 12/25/99 ] .