,... $$$$ $$$$T""P$$$ba, ,gd&P""T&bg. ,gd&P""T&bg. ggggggggggg $$$$ $$$$$b d$$$$ $$$$b d$$$$ $$$$$b ggggggggggg """"""""""" $$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$bxxP&$$&P """"""""""" $$$$ $$$$$$ T$$$$ $$$$P T$$$$ $$$"""""" " """" $$$$$$ "T&$bxxd$&P" "T&$bxx$$$$$' " """"""$$$ """ """""" """ ggg "M&M Conspiracy Theory" ggg $$$ by -> JoJo, The Indiana Circus Boy $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ [ HOE E-Zine #995 -- 12/25/99 -- http://www.hoe.nu ] .,$$$ `"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""' About 3 weeks ago I was watching T.V, I have to give a three day presentation in school about how advertisements effect what people buy, so I have been paying a lot more attention to the commercials that I see. Anyway, I was watching T.V and I saw one of those M&M commercials that had those M&M's eating M&M's, which was disturbing on its own, but I will get back to that. The guy from Seinfeld, Puddy, comes in and talks to them. At the end of the commercial in the top right corner of the screen there are pictures of Regular M&M's, Peanut M&M's, and The New Crunchy M&M's, which suck. Then I was thinking, wait a second, isn't there peanut butter and almond M&M's. This made me wonder where the peanut butter and almond M&M's were during all of this. I was disturbed by this, I am sure that most people do not realize what a big problem of discrimination this is. Why do only the plain M&M's, Peanut M&M's, and Crunchy M&M's get all of the attention? Also, another question that I will attempt to answer in this report is what is, the reason that the M&M company decided to replace the light brown M&M? There is one more thing that I will try to make sense of and that is, if you remember back about last year there were all of those M&M's commercials that had that guy from Drew Carry on it eating M&M's and the M&M guy said "Can't you put yourself in my position for a change," all disgusted that someone is eating another M&M. But a year later the M&M's morals have changed so much that they think it is OK to devour their own kind. First off I only have one explanation about the anti Peanut butter and Almond M&M campaign going on. The other M&M's had to have someone or something to operate the machines, so they are stuck doing all of the grunt work that none of the other M&M's want to do. I still do not know why the crunchy M&M is in the in crowd, he is the newest and he just kind of jumped right in. I think that the Plain M&M's and the Peanut M&M's needed a favor so they went to the crunchy M&M and said "Listen, we need a favor, the Peanut Butter and the Almond M&M's are out-selling us like we are nothing, you need to be the new hip thing so they are put out of the picture." The Plain M&M's and the Peanut M&M's were actually planning to get rid of the Crunchy M&M's once the plan was over, but the Crunchy was just to popular, for reasons I cannot explain, so they had to keep him in because the M&M stock grew and we all know that M&M's are all into making money. Now about the light brown M&M, why did they think that they needed to replace it? If I have a sister or brother that I do not want I cannot just say to the rest of my family "Lets vote on which one of these three people I want to replace him/her with." What is the person going to think when they are just replaced so easily? I personally would want to destroy the new person for taking over my spot. But why would they replace a classic? They thought it would be the new hip thing to do. The other possibility was that the light brown M&M was the "Uncle No One Wants To Talk About." It may have been a raging alcoholic but still we can not just throw away people with problems, we need to help them. The last and final thing I need to discuss is why did the morals of the M&M's change so much in the past year. You want to know the answer, who is new to the M&M family this past year. Yup you guessed it the Crunchy M&M. It has corrupted the system. It has had such a strong influence on the others and it can only get stronger. They let this devil into their home and into their place of work and it has completely destroyed everything that the M&M name used to stand for, good family values. Well as you can see, the new crunchy M&M has destroyed the M&M name. They are no longer sweet and nice but mean, moral-less, and crooked sneak thieves. [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #995, BY JOJO - 12/25/99 ] .