s$ $$ .d""b. .d""b. HOE E'ZINE #1006 [-- $$""b. $$ $$ $$ $$ -- ------------------------------------------- --] $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ss$$ "An Interview with Bad Kitty" $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ by Caitlin $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ 01/22/00 [-- $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ -- ------------------------------------------- --] $$ $$ "TssT" "TssT" I know, every now and then, we all get curious about those strange, mysterious Mistresses of the web--Cam Girls. For my first HOE project of the new millennium, I decided to offer up a little insight into the life and beliefs of one of the internet's most famous (or infamous) cam girls by interviewing her. Check out her site at www.badkittycam.com or www.bad-kitty.com and enjoy! LOVE, CAITLIN ----------SPECIAL BULLETIN: SPECIAL BONUS FILE: ------------ general rant about the internet and the people on it which also functions as a secondary intro to the bad kitty kam interview by your old pal AIDS the umpire Jesus Christ on the Cross, why in the hell did Caitlin go and do this horrible thing? I had come so close to forgetting that badkitty existed, but no, the whole game is blown. It's not easy to be a good kitty all the time. Yes, I had almost forgotten about those Alanis Morisette looks and those betty page bangs, and I had almost forgotten about all the horrible dick sucking pictures I'd inadvertently seen while looking for photographic evidence of BAD KITTY doing the deed with Gweeds. I had almost forgotten. I originally intended for this introduction to be a relatively quiet meditation on how the internet empowers relatively ineffectual people to do fairly reprehensible things. I wanted to point out that I thought the major reason so many of you sorry assholes are caught up in these lives of UNTRADITIONAL NON CONFORMITY had more than a little to do with basically being totally powerless and unhappy people looking for any given out. And let's not forget that old demon of needing the attention of others at ANY given cost, regardless of respect or dignity. Then I realized I didn't really care WHY you live the lives you did. Just that I'm tired of you. And so I tried to figure out some way to make you go away, but couldn't think of any. And then somehow I realized that I was attributing far too more emotional complexity and sensitivity to most of you. You don't act they way you do out of anything greater or more interesting than abject stupidity. You're just fucking retarded. So I don't care. Go ahead and dress like Star Fleet High Command and do live web broadcasts of your polyamorous orgies. The whole world is watching. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.) Name? Kitty 2.) Where were you born? Where have you lived? Where are you currently living? I was born in Washington State. I have lived in Seattle, New York City, and I currently live in Los Angeles. 3.) How old are you? 30 4.) What do you do for a living? Right now I am going to school, but I would consider my primary job to be badkittycam. My boyfriend and I also own a clothing company called badkittygear, so I do alot of design work and a bit of sewing for that. 5.) Are you seeing anyone or dating anyone? If so, how do they feel about your site? Yes, I am living with my boyfriend, Platinum, whom I have been with for about a year and a half. He loves my site, and helps me out with it quite often.... okay, he helps me out with it everyday! He is in charge of the technical and merchandising side of it. 6.) Do you have any talents you'd like to mention? Talents... hmmm. Well, I can do just about anything... baking cookies is my specialty... I also have many talents in the field of fine arts... I like to paint, draw, create, sew, act, study, and dance. Really, my favorite talent is playing... I'm very good at that! 7.) When you bought your first digital camera, was it your intention to become a 'cam-girl' or have your nude pictures on the Internet? Yes, as a matter of fact, I didn't even buy my first quickcam, it was given to me by some friends of mine that got me into the whole webcam business... 8.) How much school have you completed? What are you doing in college? I'm in my Junior year of college right now, and I'm studying to be a fifth grade (10 yr. olds) teacher. 9.) What are your favorite traits about yourself? My favorite trait is my creativity because it makes me who I am. I am in a constant state of curiosity... it makes life so much more interesting. 10.) How do you stay in shape? Actually, I don't... I have a very high metabolism. I couldn't exercise less if I _tried_! 11.) Do you consider yourself to have a high self esteem? I can sum it up in one word... narcissist. 12.) Do you do your own HTML and design for your page? hahahahahah......no. 13.) How many people are members on your page? Well its not 1000+ but its close.... it's hard to say, it goes up and down....some days are rockin with new sign-ups... and other days are cancel days... I don't really know what to tell you. 14.) How much do you charge for membership on your site? One week is only $9.95, and a month subscription is $24.95... you can also get a three month membership for $49.95. 15.) Why do you have badkittycam.com -and- bad-kitty.com registered? I started out with bad-kitty.com because I couldn't get badkitty.com... then I realized that badkittycam.com was good too, so I got that... (people kept forgetting to put the hyphen in, and they couldn't find me!) Two url's are better than one! 16.) How did you get involved with computers? Way back when, I had a Macintosh LC and AOL... and that's all that I knew about computers... then my friends convinced me to try the webcam gig... so I actually borrowed three different friends' laptops over the span of 6 months before I finally went out an got my own laptop (which I still have). All of my knowledge about computers has come from people helping me with my webcam and my own curiosities and exploring what would happen if I did certain things on the computer. I even attempted building a little webpage with Netscape composer... that was fun. 17.) Do you find it awkward or thrilling to meet other Internet people who are aware, or have been to your site? I think it's really cool to meet people who have been to my site, or who might recognize me from "somewhere." Except, of course, if they are one of those weird-o types that want to go out with me and "take me away from all that" and have strange mayonnaise dripping from their right hand... you know what I mean? 18.) Do you date people you meet through your website? hhahahahaha.... no. 19.) Are you on the infamous sexchart, possibly under a 'secret' name? Hmmmm, nope, never heard of it... but I am on sextracker.com. 20.) Have you ever met Gweeds or engaged in any sexual activity with him? no, not that I can remember.... 21.) Being on your camera so much and working on your site, how does that affect your social life? What social life? 23.) Do people really buy your used underwear? As amazing as it seems, yes, people do buy my panties... they are actually quite nice! Oh, did I mention that they come with a floppy disc with bunches of pictures of me in the panties! Pretty neat, huh? 24.) Do you ever feel that your choice to put nude pictures of yourself on the net was a bad choice? I have very few regrets in my life... I look at it this way: Everything that I have done in the past has made me who I am today... and will also shape my future decisions. I don't feel that having my webcam was or is a bad choice. It is simply a new experience, and an ongoing experiment of who I am and what I can do. 25.) What do you want to do in the future? With your life? With your site? In the future I plan to become a teacher and be the best teacher that I can be... after that, who knows? Maybe I will become the U.S. Secretary of Education, or perhaps I will choose to go a totally different direction... I would like to have a family some time soon, because I have heard that progeny is one of the best things on earth. With my site, I plan to do whatever I feel like doing with it... it will most likely be going full strength while I am still in school, that is until at least the fall of 2001. 26.) Any last words? You can't be a good kitty all of the time! [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) HOE E'ZINE -- http://www.hoe.nu HOE #1006, BY CAITLIN - 1/22/00 ] .