"Anarchy is the basis of today's society. Without it, we would be in chaos." - Anarchist _____________________________________________________________ //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\ || PURE ANARCHY!!!!!! /| SATAN |\ BOMBZ HARDCORE!! || || ___ ___ | | IS LORD | | _______________ || || |$$$| HOE 1017 |$$$| \`\ !!!!! /'/' |$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$| || || |$$$| 01/30/00 |$$$| \ `---------' / |$$$|~~~~~~~~~~~ || || |$$$|__________|$$$| / /\ /\ \ |$$$| LOTSA BOOM || || |$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$| | '' `` | |$$$|___ 2 FUCK || || |$$$$/~~~~~~~~\$$$$| \ ` ' / |$$$$$$$| YA SHT || || |$$$| TRUE |$$$| `\ /' |$$$|~~~ UP!!!! || || |$$$| TERORISM |$$$| 666 `\ /' 666 |$$$|___________ || || |$$$| INSIDE!! |$$$| ___/'`---'`\___ |$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$| || \\ ~~~ ~~~ HOGZA DA ENTROPY! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // \\ YEAH BOYEE@#! H/P/A/V/C IN DA MOTHAFUCKIN HAUSZ#@!@$ // \\--------------------------------------------------// \\ "Anarchy: A Submissive's Nightmare" // \\ by Meenk E. Boodle // \\______________________________________// The human population consists of two types of people: those who want to control, and those who want to be controlled. Anarchy is the blatant denial of this natural fact. Anarchists use the guise of absolute, utopian freedom to sell the idea that you should help them overthrow the government. Actual success in such an endeavor would be like hitting the reset button while rendering a very complex animation, without saving the unrendered version. We would be sent back to square one. All of nature is divided into leaders and followers; shepherds and sheep; dominants and submissives. The majority of people fall into the second class. This category can be divided into three sub-categories. The first, and purest, are submissives that are aware of, and comfortable with, their station in life. These people prefer to give someone else the responsibility of representing their ideals, protecting them, and making some decisions for them. They realize that they are not well suited to doing these things, and are willing to give up some control in order to gain freedom from them. The second sub-category is comprised of the people who follow blindly, not aware that they are doing so, but also content with their station in life. The people in this group support their leaders because it is what a good person does. The third sub-category consists of people who think they should be in control, but because they aren't really meant to be in power, fail at doing so, or do so in a dangerous manner. These are the people that become anarchists (as well as serial killers, child molesters, and prison guards). These people try to compensate for their lack of charisma, leadership, empathy, and diplomatic skills by using deception and manipulation to make others do their dirty work. Where they lack dominance, they have sadism in spades. People that were born to be in power, the true leaders, know what they were meant to be, and with proper nurturing of their natural talents, succeed in becoming great masters. Unfortunately, the dangerous followers, the sadistic breed that refuses to play their dealt hand, often are able to corrupt the truly dominant, forcing them to take part in their crackpot schemes. Just as the submissives do not lack power, their champions do not lack weakness. Imagine, if you will, that the anarchists prevailed. At first, you would have mass hysteria generated by the third class of submissives reveling in lawlessness, breaking every former law in celebration of not paying consequences. Deep in the good parts of town you may see some of the second class of submissives continuing in their usual manner, until it comes time to pay the bills. These people would then seek out guidance, first from friends, then from community leaders which existed before the anarchy. The pure submissives would have immediately sought out leadership from the true masters, and humanity would once again be reduced to tribalism. The dangerous, sycophantic anarchists with delusions of grandeur would then create their own tribe as they have seen that there is strength in numbers. A leader would then be appointed, and we would once again be thrust into days of crusades, territorial disputes, non-diplomatic war, and segregation. If you don't believe me, read Lord of the Flies. Anarchy is a sure-fire way to destroy society, cause panic amongst the majority, and ultimately, inconvenience me in my day to day living, as well as my climb to the top. Don't fuck with me, anarchists, the meenk shall inherit the earth. [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) HOE EZINE! WWW.HOE.NU! A-BEWM-BEWM! #1017 -> BY MEENK - 1/30/00 ] .