s$ $$ .d""b. .d""b. HOE E'ZINE #1054 [-- $$""b. $$ $$ $$ $$ -- ------------------------------------------- --] $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ss$$ "Dawson's Creek 2005 - The Director's Cut" $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ by pl0nk $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ 4/7/00 [-- $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ -- ------------------------------------------- --] $$ $$ "TssT" "TssT" The show titled _Dawson's Creek_ is a pile of dog shit. Teenage kids aren't like that. We do drugs we cause trouble and we swear a lot. We don't use big 10-dollar-words and we definitely wouldn't turn down a free fuck, or some hot ass older slut who just craves cock. Those stupid kids from Cape Side should just quit. The show is like some major super drama that makes even myself feel shitty about my life. Who the hell wants to watch a show where kids are better then themselves who watch it? So I took it upon myself to write a little about the future of Dawson's Creek--where the major characters have winded up doing, and so on. It could also apply to the reality of today's world, portrayed through the news. Don't get me wrong, "news" is great--I watch it to see what's going on outside of my homestone of Canada. Sure we're drunks, we say "eh?" and we live in fucking igloos, but we finally got your old black and white tv's!!! [-----] Joey is some hooker who sucks dick for hurtin' coke out of the New York slums. Her and Dawson are coke buddies, Dawson just uses her for a free fuck, and an excuse to hate the world. Pacey is a bum, he meets up with Jack to get head and a little bit of cash to tide him by for the night behind a dumpster on an abandoned street. As Dawson and Joey walk down an abandoned back alley street, a guy in an old man's trench coat walks up to them, looking all bummy and beat up, and he asks for some change. As the two space cadets say "no," he looks up and notices who they are, his old high school buddies! Pacey smashes Dawson in the face for all the times he's fucked him over for money and hoes from back in the days and than pisses all over the guy. Joey screams and starts going crazy, so Pacey has to slap her to the ground and give her a beating. Jen sits in her room at a table with Andy. A revolver pointed directly at Jen's head. She's sick of trying to fight for her non-existent charities that do nothing but make her seem like a bitch. Both her and her friend are tweaked on acid, playing a harmless game of Russian Roulette. Two Bullets placed in different chambers decide their fate. It's Jen's turn. She points the gun at Andy's head, the crazy psycho-bitch of Cape Side thinks of her gay brother--and thinks of her crazy mother and her daddy, who used to rape her as a child. Jen pulls the trigger, for a split-moment the bullet could be seen, and as the sound faded-out--on the ground the whole half of her head, shot off, blood gushing everywhere. Jen cocks the pin and spins the chamber as it stops she slowly points it to her head. She pulls the trigger as her grandmother comes in to check on her, her brains spray the wall, all over her bed, and a couple hunks of her skull along with some bloody mess splatters grandma. That new guy, what's-his-name, goes on a bloody murder spree because his obsession. He's just killed herself, he's in, what grade? 11th now? He shoots the teachers and he shoots the students. He shoots the janitors, and he kills the vice-principals, because we all know the vice-principals are always cock-suckers. When he gets arrested, and his psychiatrist asks him why he went out and shot all those people, he replies: "They made fun of me because I was different. Everyday I could hear them talking about me. Look at that kid, he looks different, he's not like us, let's all make fun of him for the rest of his school life and not expect him to do something about it. Finally, I just snapped." /End Show /Cancel Credits /Quit Pretending you're so good, 'cause if I was on TV I would keep it real. /Roll the Credits props out to the old irc crowd. cyberf|re, ^Dreamer, DavidW, Tagman, |Maverick, KeyChain, Kool^Guy. props to the new schoolers. Ninja--, Block0, an the #kids/#splat gang [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) HOE E'ZINE -- http://www.hoe.nu HOE #1054, BY PL0NK - 4/07/00 ] .