s$ $$ .d""b. .d""b. HOE E'ZINE #1064 [-- $$""b. $$ $$ $$ $$ -- ------------------------------------------- --] $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ss$$ "Camp Chronicles, Vol. 1" $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ by, LatinMan $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ 04/18/00 [-- $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ -- ------------------------------------------- --] $$ $$ "TssT" "TssT" It's a little known fact that I have worked for a summer camp for the last 6 years. My camp experience has shown me the joys and pains of having children. It has also been a place for many firsts in my life. I had my first kiss at camp, my first full frontal fondle, and of course I can't forget my first skinny co-ed strip twister experience. Within my Camp Chronicle files I shall recount some of my adventures, just for the fuck of it. This installment is entitled, "Camper Mishaps." Our first Camper Mishap was with a small child named George. George wasn't exactly the smartest kid in my bunk. He was the kind of child that had to be told to do something 8 times before he finally realized you were talking to him. He quickly earned his nickname, "Space Cadet," when I found him laying on a rock, pointing up into the sky, chanting "I want to go home." George was a special case, to say the least. On the final day of camp, the bunk was changing after swim, and little George decides to run around naked. This was a usual occurrence with the youngest kids, so I just told him to hurry up and get dressed or we were going to leave him. Rather then follow my order, he suddenly squats down and makes an eerie pushing sound, clenching his pale, white, naked body. The kids stared in awe, as a nice pile of dining hall leftovers formed under his squatting body. George just smiled, as he picked up the brown form, and proceeded to chase the other kids around threatening to "Hit you with my magic space rock." This was my second year as a counselor and I had no idea what to do, so I ran straight towards him. He immediately threw his "space rock" at me, covering my forearm with it's magical clumps of goodness, my other arm grabbed him around his waste as I half carried, half dragged him up the hill towards the Director's cabin. Needless to say the director was not happy to see a naked alien and his shit covered counselor, so after being told off for being an idiot, I took lil' Georgie over to the latrine so we could both relieve ourselves of the brown cosmic particles. Our next Camper Mishap would have to be the time when I decided I would get back at all the kids who gave me trouble during the summer. Once again, it was during my first few years at camp that this happened. I wasn't experienced enough to deal with the stress that working at a camp daily can give you. Rather then completely freak out on the kids one day, I decided to play a couple of tricks on them, to get even with the shit they put me through daily. My first victim was Mohammed, who I nicknamed "Moho". As the small devil laid in bed dreaming of the crime he would commit against his lovable counselor, I used one of the oldest tricks in the camp book. I covered his hand with hand lotion and tickled his face, so that he would slowly cover his own face with the lotion. This went on for longer then I would have suspected, so that when he finally woke up he was probably on his third coat of lotion. He woke up with a gasp, as I just started cracking up as the layers of caked on lotion slowly chipped away from his face. He, of course, looked really fucking pissed, and I just tried to act like the caring counselor. He vowed vengeance, which mainly meant him taking a piss in my bag the next night... unfortunately he chose the wrong bag, and ended up hitting my co-counselor's. The next child on my hit list was little Jamie, nicknamed "Ashtray" because of his ever-ashey body. The scheme I used on him was thought up with the help of my friend. We sat on either side of him as he slept, positioning our flashlights inches above his closed eyes. We started making quiet choo-choo sounds, slowly getting louder, making sure not to wake him yet. We made louder sounds and turned on the flashlights at the same time screaming at the top of our lungs, "WATCH OUT FOR THE TRAIN!!!" The poor kid jumped up, nearly hitting his head on the top bunk above him. I once again played the good counselor and acted as if nothing happened, and tried to get him back to sleep, because it was "just a terrible dream." To get back at the whole bunk at one time, I went on a day-long prank-a-thon. Started off with going to one of the older kids and daring him to hold my weight on his head. I Just told him to keep his head held straight, as I put some of my weight on his head. As he strained, I let go an extremely wet fart. Of course, he was extremely pissed, but could not stop laughing. Later on the day I decided to have a race of who could put their whole body inside of their shirts first. I Had them clench their knees to their chests, then put their legs and head inside of their shirts. As they all struggled to do this, I went behind each one that was done and gave them a soft push so that their little balled up bodies quickly rolled down the hill. There's nothing like seeing seven lil' balls fly down a hill at 70 mph. Looking back on my years as a counselor I realize how many bad things I have done to these children. I know I was fucked up to do so, but I was a child myself for the most part. It was all done in good fun, and for the most part I didn't leave them with any major scars. Well, at least physical ones. I don't know when Jamie will be able to ride the train again. [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) HOE E'ZINE -- http://www.hoe.nu HOE #1061, BY LATINMAN - 4/18/00 ] .