s$ $$ .d""b. .d""b. HOE E'ZINE #1067 [-- $$""b. $$ $$ $$ $$ -- ------------------------------------------- --] $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ss$$ "How to Become a Media Whore in Less Than 24 Hours" $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ by, tamd $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ 05/01/00 [-- $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ -- ------------------------------------------- --] $$ $$ "TssT" "TssT" Step #1: Set up a controversial web page. Step #2: Fill that web page with content that will piss people off. Step #3: Get an email address that seems professional and very believable. Step #4: Send an email to the group that would be most pissed off by the content of your page. Step #5: That group shuts you down and informs the media to brag. Step #6: Put the page back up and piss them off more. REPEAT STEPS 4-6 AS OFTEN AS YOU WISH Step #7: You get contacted by the media, do interviews; accept the free trips. Step #8: Enjoy your media attention, you are now a media whore. To prove that this works, I will use the example of one of my webpages, DateRape.Org. I went and made an email address, father_joseph@clergyman.com, and figured that seemed like a valid email address to remain professional. The name I then assumed was Joseph Boxer, that would become my secret identity. I got the name from my underwear because a lot of times I sit on the computer in just my boxers. I then had to decide who to send the email to. After very little consideration, I chose to send the email to feminist.com (It was either there or the National Organization of Women, and I couldn't find a suitable email address to send them a letter so I went with feminist.com)... I then proceeded to write an email. Here it is: [------] Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2000 23:05:17 From: father_joseph@clergyman.com To: mail@feminist.com Subject: I am outraged Dear feminist.com, I came across a rather upsetting site, it is http://www.daterape.org it promotes date rape. Seeing as you are one of the rather large feminist communities I was hoping you could help with our struggle in ending such a morally vile site. Please help me spread the word amongst your community and to the National Organization of Women. Thanks for any help you can give. -Joseph Boxer [------] That was the mail that began it all. I was on the telephone long distance with one of the contributors of the site when I was writing it and when I was second guessing whether or not to send it. He told me not to. Too bad, I did it anyway. A few days later I receive a response in the mailbox: [------] Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 08:34:09 -0500 From: Marianne Schnall To: father joseph Subject: Re: I am outraged Hi Joseph - Thanks for forwarding this note to us. This is one of the most offensive and upsetting sites I have ever seen. I have forwarded the note to some groups who will know what actions can be taken including the washington feminist faxnet. As far as contacting NOW - please e-mail them at their web site at http://www.now.org - perhaps they can also help do something. Thanks for your activism, Marianne Schnall Feminist.com [------] The seed had been planted. Marianne, I would like to thank you for doing all the work for me. You are probably kicking yourself in the behind as you read this. If it wasn't for you this site wouldn't have prospered. She later mailed me informing me of my site's closure: [------] Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 15:50:44 -0500 From: Marianne Schnall To: father joseph Subject: Re: I am outraged Joseph: I thought you would be very happy to know that the daterape.org site has been pulled by their web hosting company, whom I contacted this morning - who were as horrified as you were about the content. Thank you so much for alerting us to this site. Warm regards, Marianne Schnall Feminist.com [------] They pulled me? No reeeeaaaaaaallllly? I had already known this, boy did I feel good then. What's the matter? You don't like my page? Excuse me as I chuckle. You are doing what we want. Pawn to Rook-4. At this point the media begins to contact us. Hippy hooray! The feeling of accomplishment runs through my veins. We do the interview with Wired magazine, and they provide us with the beginning number of hits we had wanted. ***Phase One Complete*** We now had a start on media coverage, we are getting requests for interviews from everywhere. Radio shows, newspapers, television stations, you name it they more than likely contacted us. I then decided to thank Marianne for her help: [------] Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 22:03:47 From: father_joseph@clergyman.com To: mschnall@interport.net Subject: Re: Re: I am outraged Marianne, Thanks for your help with this matter, however, I was thumbing through today's USA Today and noticed they have a new site up. I took a look and it seems like they have gotten stronger. What a dispair. :( The new site is: http://www.kracked.com/~daterape What are we to do? God Bless, Joeseph [------] Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 07:56:38 -0500 From: Marianne Schnall To: father joseph Subject: Re: I am outraged Thanks for notifying us. We will do what we can. Marianne [------] Anyway, thanks again for helping us complete part of my goal, Marianne. Yes, I am a media whore and like me, you can be one in less than 24 hours. [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) HOE E'ZINE -- http://www.hoe.nu HOE #1061, BY TAMD - 5/1/00 ] .