s$ $$ .d""b. .d""b. HOE E'ZINE #1069 [-- $$""b. $$ $$ $$ $$ -- ------------------------------------------- --] $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ss$$ "Frank E. Lee's Guide to ANSI CODES with $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ THE JEDI MIND FORCE" $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ by Frank E. Lee [05/01/00] [-- $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ -- ------------------------------------------- --] $$ $$ "TssT" "TssT" Frank E. Lee's guide to ANSI CODES with the JEDI MIND FORCE(*) (* as seen in ep IV, V, and VI! Fuck that mitichlorian shit!) CURSOR CONTROL If you wanted to move your cursor to a screen coordinant, ordinarily you would use ESC[X;YH or ESC[X;Yf, with X representing the vertical access and Y representative of the horizontal. Now, a lot of people would endorse this method of coordinant positioning, but I don't. Fuck that. That's the way the thugs do shit. I'm a jedi. I write ANSI with my mind. ESC[#A might be a good way to move things upwards, with # representing the number of lines you want to move your cursor upwards, but I'm no pussy. I do that shit without thinking; the nature of the force is to exist in a state of thoughtless contemplation. There is only do or do not. It's a good way to escape the modern trappings of the self. Peace out to Lucas for teaching us about this great way. ESC[#B will take you as far down the screen as you want to go, but it takes you even further down; your soul and very essence, which is a vital and true part of the force, is lost each time you code ANSI without using the force. If you use programs like TheDraw you are losing the force. ANSI should be made representative on the screen with your life essence. ESC[#C moves your cursor to the right without moving lines. this is similar to going over to the dark side of the force. The Jedi does not lose any of his potency or power, but his focus and mode of being shifts. This should be noted as a shift for the ill. ESC[#D moves the cursor to the left. Picture Darth Vader at the end of return of the jedi. He has returned to the force. His cursor has moved left. And he has moved it with his mind. Not with any weak utility like TheDraw. Like I said I am a Jedi. I learned the way of the Jedi through pure dedication to the art of ANSI. While other ruffians were busy indulging in such silly groups as ACiD and ELCiD and iCE, I rejected their lower case is and embraced the force. Thank you Lucas. Thank you for showing me a way other than this capitalistic mentality that torments. With the force you want and there is. A blue half shaded square is wished and it appears. IT is the ultimate mixture of the ordinary and the obscenely powerful. Your place in the force becomes trailed across the scene in a hi bit mixture of madness and merriment. I don't draw ANSI of anything but jedi. Other characters are lame. Not to say jedi is the only good thing to draw ANSI of. Just that other characters of similar popular culture standing are lame, due to their lack of philosophical and sociological import. ANSI. You gotta love it. JEDI. You must embrace them. The two go together in the only way possible; an artistic expression of the force. [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) HOE E'ZINE -- http://www.hoe.nu #1069, BY FRANK E. LEE - 5/1/00 ] .