_____________________________________________________________________________ ---------------------------- I Bleed for This? ------------------------------ ------03.09.94-----------------------------------------------------#002------ Women Suck Appreciated by Jason Farnon and Snarfblat Post taken from The Works BBS: malice (malice) writes: Damn.. Did you ever have dreams, of findin' that girl,.. the one for you, stealing here away, marriage, being perfect little yuppies, in a connecticut home with a greenhouse.... You look, and you look, never findin' that girl... you don't even want sex, you just want someone to hold and be comfortable with.. but that person is nowhere to be found... so you give up... And no sooner, do you give up.. Then BLAM!! "Huh? What? How?" You're two weeks into a relationship of a person you feel is your soul mate, and you don't even know how you got there.. Sex is inevitable.. but it's a good thing isn't it.., she tells you that noone has ever fufilled her emotionally or physically in the degree that you have... Then, slowly, she isn't as eager to embrace you, kiss you, talk to you, when there was a time that you didn't need to initiate it.. she would attack you.. but no longer... All you ever hear from her is "We need to talk.", you know what's coming, but you try to arrange to talk, but it never happens.. is she tryin' to let you down easy?... is that what she thinks? not realizing, that alienation, and patronizing are slow torture.. You find yourself listenin' to NIN, or somethin' equally cliche.. but you can't help it.. the pain stays for a while (it seems like forever).. you want to lash back but how can you when you love that person why can't they remember all those wonderful moments that you do.. so you lock your heart in brimstone, never to be touched again.. ============================================================================== IBFT is: Farnon's cat - kiesa%tacobel@merk.com Home Board: (508)371-9849 Snarf's cat - clawdia%tacobel@merk.com Pulsating Temple of Stan ftp: ---><--- gopher:ftp.etext.org:/Zines/IBFT mailing list: bleed-request@unix.amherst.edu ============================================================================== .