_____________________________________________________________________________ ---------------------------- I Bleed for This? ------------------------------ ------03.19.94-----------------------------------------------------#007------ Riding on the Subway with a Laptop and Other Stories by Snarfblat and Jason Farnon In an effort to find a life, we went to Harvard Square with a laptop. We plugged it in at the pizza place but the outlet didn't work so we ran down the battery writing about Tori Amos. Then we deleted it. But on the way home on the subway we wrote more stuff. We started a text file of doom. Farnon handed the laptop to the guy next to him on the train in hopes of the mere mortal typing in something cool. He turned out to be a pathetic geek not worthy of a steel imprint from our boots on his face. We erased that too. Then we noticed all the freaks on the subway. We wrote about them. Riding on the Subway with a Laptop ---------------------------------- by Snarfblat I have a Tandy 8088 with Deskmate on the ROM. I'm riding the subway home to get beat up by my Mom. I hate my laptop, it's so bad. If someone stole it I wouldn't be sad. The screen is lame and LCD. When i look at it i think i'm on LSD That Guy in the Black Leather Cap --------------------------------- by Snarfblat w/Cameo from Jason Farnon that guy in the black leather cap is sitting across from me. i think there's something wrong with him. i wonder what it could be. His thumb is twiching slowly and his hand is in his pants now hes looking at me i ask him, "do you dance" he's a total freak. i hope he dies. i offer him some french fries. why the fuck is he wearing that hat? if it rains, his hat will get ruined. maybe he just came out of an insane asylum or something. maybe he hasn't seen the light of day for several years. maybe in the 60's his hat was in fashion. Someone should call the fasion police. I bet you he has big hair. I bet you he listens to Jammin 94.5 I bet you he masturbated to Rou Paul pictures. ok, so we should get the T police in here, because that hat is violating my sanity. he is disturbing the peace - the public's sense of security, the basic notion that NOBODY would ever wear a hat like that and still walk the streets. maybe he has a probation officer. but if he can wear that hat, is anyone safe? he has left the train now, out of sight but not out of mind. Who will be the next victim of his insanity? we can only wonder. Two Townies Across From Me -------------------------- by Jason Farnon Two Townies sitting across from me on the train god they suck This Fat Guy ------------ by Snarfblat what's his fuckin' problem? Go Home Rich Boy ---------------- by Jason Farnon Two townies sitting across from me pretty boy fucks im going to put you out of your misery im going to rip off your flannel and shove it up your rectum im going to skin Kennedy and make you masturbate to her die die die die die die Last Seat on the Train ---------------------- by Snarfblat last seat on the train he tries to escape the pain the world could not accept his size so he tries to avoid their piercing eyes but he can never get away he's gonna have to pay fuck he left Killing in the Name of Mommy ---------------------------- by Jason Farnon I wonder. I wonder if the stupid townie fuck listens to rage against the machine and has to be home by 10pm Asleep Black Guy on the Train ----------------------------- by Jason Farnon asleep black guy on the train. is he asleep, or is he dead? they're afraid to shake him to find out. he smells you know ============================================================================== IBFT is: Farnon's cat - kiesa%tacobel@merk.com Home Board: (508)371-9849 Snarf's cat - clawdia%tacobel@merk.com Pulsating Temple of Stan ftp: ---><--- gopher:ftp.etext.org:/Zines/IBFT mailing list: bleed-request@unix.amherst.edu ============================================================================== .