_____________________________________________________________________________ ---------------------------- I Bleed for This? ------------------------------ ------05.25.94-----------------------------------------------------#022------ Stupid Townie Fucks by Snarfblat Townies suck. This statement is known to be true by everyone with 1/4 a clue in their shrivelled little brains. That is, everyone except the townies themselves. They live in their own world, where they measure people by a different set of rules than the rest of the world. For if they had to measure up to the moral standards that define a non-asshole, they would fall so short that they would invariably kill themselves and remove their pitiable presences from the earth. Deep down they know that they are profoundly inferior to the rest of the human race, and so they band together in a growing sea of sub-mediocrity. Here, content in the company of like-minded idiots, they live out their meaningless lives. They blindly cling to a set of rules which condone rape, excessive drinking and the destruction of anyone who threatens their warped lifestyle and attitudes. I am one of the people who threaten them. I am a freak, and according to them anyone who goes against the mold must be eliminated. They practice a kind of reverse eugenics: instead of removing the inferior members of the population, they seek to remove all the superior individuals so that their degraded state becomes the norm, and they no longer feel threatened. Thus, tormenting a freak is looked upon highly in their society. Earlier today, I met a group of townies on their home turf. They were passing through the dump on the way to the quarries, where they would drink and rape until they passed out. I was with Fishead and Random Tox searching for scrap parts on the big junk pile. Most of it is ovens, dishwashers, refrigerators, etc. We did, however, find some early 80's DEC equipment, including a 8 inch disk drive. Eventually we started to build a robot/monstertruck using tires and snowmobile parts and some other junk we found. At some point a squeaky-voiced 9th grader approached us, questioned us briefly and then left to return with an older guy, maybe a junior or senior. They seemed stunned that we were building a robot, but didn't seem overly hostile. They asked us if we were on drugs, and if they could have some. Then they left, and after a few more minutes we headed out of the dump because it was getting too dark to see. Down the road we ran into a larger horde of them. They were sitting in the middle of the dump road, which is closed to traffic after 5 PM, drinking beer and urinating publicly. Their scouts had obviously told them of our plans, and they started in on us. Grunting in their usual semi-conscious manner, they said they didn't believe we were building a robot. Obviously we were hiding something from them, because the possibility of people doing anything other than drinking on a Friday night was unheard of. We changed our story and said we were just looking through the junk. This, apparently, was also a lie. Then they discovered the truth: we were FAGS FUCKING IN THE WOODS!!! You see, townies are insecure about their sexuality. They rape to prove to themselves and their friends that they are Men, and they branded us FAGS FUCKING IN THE WOODS!!! for the same reason. For whatever reason, they soon gave up on that idea, and began asking us who we were. I gave them my name and for a while answered their questions about their older brothers who were in my class. Random Tox, however, refused to give a last name. This was the only prompting they needed to begin calling us freaks and threatening to kick our asses. Luckily, RT had been pretending to be tripping on acid throughout this whole ordeal, and we used that in defense of his behavior. However, there was no defense for the townies next actions. As we were leaving the scene, one of them threw a beer bottle at us. It crashed a couple yards from Fishead's feet. We just looked at them. Then we left. These people are so fucking worthless it makes me want to puke blood. I would gladly open fire on them, but if given a choice I'd rather subject them to a slower form of death. They fear me because I'm intelligent and creative. I have something better to do with my time. They are insecure. Building a robot is something they would never even think of. The people who harassed us today were so stupid that they were a danger not only to themselves, but to those around them. They are shit. They live in shit, breed in shit and produce more shit. They surround themselves with people who are just as worthless as they are, and try to make it look like they are the normal ones and we are the freaks. In reality they have no potential to do anything useful with their lives. They will always suck. ============================================================================== IBFT: We Break Your Wooden Leg Information, mailing list: bleed-request@unix.amherst.edu ftp.etext.org:/pub/Zines/IBFT The Eleventh Hour (617)696-3146 ============================================================================== .