_____________________________________________________________________________ ---------------------------- I Bleed for This? ------------------------------ ------04.07.96-----------------------------------------------------#043------ Who Wants the Last Slice? appreciated by Jason Farnon [Hotrod found this gem in the bus schedule slots at the local transit authority. ] I'm a 20 year old female with a rather embarrassing problem. Since graduating from high school three years ago, I've gained a whopping 142 pounds, and most of it is concentrated below the waist on my hips, read end, tummy, and thighs. I'm 5'6" tall and weight 324 pounds, but i have an out of proportion, bottom-heavy figure that measures 50-42-68. I've developed an enormous read end with big, round, fat buttocks that stick out prominently like a couple of inflated balloons; along with a protruding tummy; wide, bulging hips; and huge, flabby thighs that jiggle and shake like jello when I walk! my shape is a target of ridicule and contempt wherever i go, and it's humiliating to watch people take one look at me and start laughing and giggling hysterically. I'm not very athletic, and I prefer soft, creamy, high calorie foods, so it's not surprising that I started putting on weight when I became a teenager, and I've just continued to get fatter and fatter. what's so embarrassing however, is that I constantly have to buy new clothes because the fatty bulges around my hips keep busting through the seams of my pants, as my butt gets bigger and bigger! my family tries to shame me into losing weight by teasing me and making fun of me in front of our friends and relatives, calling me "butterball' and "lard-bottom'. I can't eat any of the rich, gooey desserts that i love without getting poked in the hips or patted on the fanny and reminded of how big and fat I'm getting. Attending family functions during the holidays is depressing, because the only thing that anyone ever seems to notice or care about is how much weight i'veI've gained since the last time they saw me. Everyone in the family tells me how shameful and disgusting it is for a girl with "such a pretty face" to let herself get so fat and out of shape. With so much negative attention focused on the size of my rear end, you would think that I would be motivated to go on a diet or join an exercise program, but I'm not, because fortunately, I have a boyfriend who loves the way I look and feel, and who wants me to get even fatter! He really gets turned on when I wear skin-tight, spandex shorts that exaggerate and emphasize my soft, round tummy, ultra-feminine hips and big, fat ass; and he's constantly tempting me with glazed doughnuts and honeybuns, cheeseburgers, chocolate milkshakes, cheesecakes, cream pies, pizzas, and ice cream, which he knows I can't resist. Despite what my family and other women always told me when I was growing up, I've discovered that a lot of men are specifically attracted to very obese girls with pear shaped or bottom-heavy figures, and I've even heard that some countries have beauty contents in which the winner is often the girl whose buttocks are the fattest and stick out the most! Getting fat is so much fun -- I just wish I wasn't so self-conscious about having such a big butt. "Fatty Patty" ============================================================================== IBFT: No matter how hard you laugh with or at it, you'll NEVER get it. http://www.amherst.edu/~mcspinks/ibft/ibfthome.html email: mcspinks@unix.amherst.edu ftp://ftp.etext.org/pub/Zines/IBFT The Eleventh Hour (617)696-3146 ============================================================================== .