_____________________________________________________________________________ ---------------------------- I Bleed for This? ------------------------------ ------04.07.96-----------------------------------------------------#053------ Please Don't Write to Us by Lost Suburban Children [1/1] [Private] >From : Lois Lane To : Jason Farnon Subject: IBFT Date : 01 Dec 95 18:08 Hello, I have no idea if you'll be flattered or annoyed by this short note so take it as you will. I recently came across issue #22 ("Stupid Townie Fucks"), written by your partner Snarfblat. That's got to be the best piece of writing I've ever seen circulated through these boards. I printed out several copies and gave them to friends. Okay, well, I know that was random and seeing the venom you've spewed before I'll probably get flamed for it. Whatever. Keep up the cool Zine. --- T.A.G. 2.7c Standard * Origin: the purple cowz hideout/2 (node 1) (1:101/200) [private messages.. #0] [1/1] read messages? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ok, well let's begin with an intro... i got IBFT # something from a friend and decided to check out some of your other stuff. Pretty good. Now since I'm assuming you don't want someone fawning all over you saying "you guys are great, i love you, if you were a girl i'd fuck the hell out of you, etc..." and all that other fan club shit I'll give it to you straight. Like I said before I read something like 38 issues of IBFT last night and was impressed. And since you said that you wanted to know if anyone could relate, I'll tell you that you're not alone. But since my best friend doesn't really know the extent of my pain, I'm not going to blab it to you. Basically she tore out my heart and then gave me the "polite" but still very cold shoulder. Anyways enough about me. I read at the bottom of one of the files that you have a subscription, so sign me up. That's about all. Keep it going. and if you ever find yourself short of quotations just ask... i've been keeping a file of quotes for the last 6 years that about sums up my entire life (kind of sad actually). If you want it just ask. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This message is from Random Tox on the Eleventh Hour BBS: Because he read and loved IBFT, a fucked up 14 year old wanna-be neo-nazi skinhead is calling my BBS long distance from Minnesota. His New User message ended with "Any skins here?" I told him that because potato skins contain the most vitamins, I had probably eaten all of them, but I would check anyway. He is an interesting boy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > In article you write: > > > >We are the following people: 2 married punks, one other guy, ranging in > >age from 21-27. We respect alternative lifestyles; require smoke-free > >living; occasional social drinkers; no drug users; love IBFT; no > >frat-boy-date-raping-warmongering-asshole types or spritz hair girls. > > I'm sorry, but this is the second message I've seen you post to > 5col.housing and for some reason you piss me off. You're not punks > (save your breath, I never was one), you're PC rainbow G-rated > twat-licking cunts. So tell me, are you the "other guy" or one of the > married punks? I've never seen your band, but if I do by accident, > I'll pull the fire alarm. > > -Snarfblat > Gee, thanks. Please pull the fire alarm. I'm the other guy. In fact, I'm probably more punk than the woman I live with who claims to be punk. Believe me, I hate the "new" punk of today. There are plenty of people who think they are punk that don't know what the hell that means. My female roomate included. Her husband on the other hand, who does not claim to be punk, is probably legitimately punk. I also assure you, I am not a G-rated twat licking cunt. (although I am pretty good at eating pussy, if you must know). The fact that we are drug free and against the frat-boy mentality does not make us G-rated PC rainbow whatever. In fact, I hate the whole PC movement. Having respect for alternative lifestyles (we have 2 active bi-sexuals living here) does not mean we are part of todays PC. I am the 27 year old. My band is very into doing what we do because we love it. We have been doing it for almost 4 years, and we are pretty much hated in the valley. We have turned down offers from record companies because they sucked, and we have accepted others because they were potentially lucrative and allow us to do our thing. We want to make music for a living. We don't necesarrily want to be rock stars, but we do not condemn the music industry, and we aren't about fucking the man (although I do tend to fuck the man on a day to day level). Our CD has gotten some great reviews. Even from reputable trade papers, but despite that, no one wants to touch it. We could become the next modern rock band tomorrow, but we aren't into selling out in that way. We write the music that we like. Look, if you want to hate me, go ahead. If you want to find out that I am a person with a brain, and a lot more going on for myself than your e-mail gives me credit for, than that's fine too. I didn't agree with everyting in the roommate wanted post, but that's what living with other people can be about sometimes: compromise. I don't care enough about telling my female roomate that she is the epitomy of poser. I need to live here 'till the end of may, finish my degree, and then try to make a living playing music. BTW - the part of today's punk movement that I do respect is the DIY thing. I know some kids out there who are really in it for the right reasons, doing the right things, and don't use punk-rock as a fashion statement. I've also been in a band when the fire alarm was pulled. It makes for good stories. without wax, rob PS - if you have any interest in checking out the band, our web page is: http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~bdic/Falafel_Boy.html and if you'd like, I'll put you on the guestlist if we actually play in the area during the semester. Then you can decide to pull the fire alarm based on the music at least. ============================================================================== IBFT: No matter how hard you laugh with or at it, you'll NEVER get it. http://www.amherst.edu/~mcspinks/ibft/ibfthome.html email: mcspinks@unix.amherst.edu ftp://ftp.etext.org/pub/Zines/IBFT The Eleventh Hour (617)696-3146 ============================================================================== .